Reroll Alliance

What class and spec is needed the most to get a safe invite for Raid?

i would bet feral druid

Healers and tank always have priority. Feral drood comes close for sure.

if you want a safe place quickly rogue is the best what u can play, rogue is always needed and they are s tier dps wise

Trust me, it’s never: rogue, paladin, warrior and druid. We got loads of those.

If you are looking for raidspot wise, roll warlock, priest or mage. Those we need the most in raids.

Since p4 whenever I make a pug on alt, wether it was a world boss, Molten Core, or now BWL etc, the first classes invited are always those I mentioned first (so rogue, paladin, warrior, druid, in this order too probably)

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Also you can whisper Xaphirè / Xaphirelól ingame if you need a bit of help rerolling.

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Warlock, everyone needs a summon

Absolutte nr 1 off picks
Good Feral druids ar hard to find. (Cat specifik.)
Warlocks for sure is allways ind demand.(dps. Bonus if you can off-tank.)

After this i will pick
Priest (healer over dps, but both are good and in denand, Pick dwarf if you like to avoid the Quest for fearward.)
Mage (dps over healer. Both good.)

Classes were you need to work for a sport, but my find it som how easy to find a sport.
Rogue (dps with a offtank set.)
Paladin (Only healer.)