Reroll project horde?

Mograine or firemaw seem like good healthy servers lets get this started!

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I made a discord server:

These stats sites, they might be broken or the data may be obsolete. I suggest to create a throwaway character and use /who Org /who Scarlet /who Barrens /who Zul and so on to get the impression of current population.

I’m also down for this. I’d prefer to play Horde on a PvP server, but I’ll keep an eye on this and I’ll gladly join :slight_smile:

Hi all,

I think the hype is real enough to start this thing! Mograine looks like a good server and horde it is! Join the discord channel

We still have some things to take care of like guildname and people are discussing groups and classes. But we can start leveling and playing together.


Hey the discord invite link isn’t working!

Thank you!

It’s on! Haven’t decided on a guild name and haven’t created a guild yet. Discord is

Incoming to server

Alrighty! Guild is created (Project R). Whisper anyone for an invite. Discord link is:

Most are around 10 and starting so still plenty of time to join!

Discord link not working :slight_smile:

Project R is very much in full swing now. Got a good group of people together. We still have new people joining every day so not too late to start!

Can you please update discord link. Thanks

I’d like to join. Link Discord pls

Can we get a fresh Discord ID? (make it non expire maybe?), If you’re on a pvp server I’m up for this!

I’d like to join too.

Growing and growing