Hi guys and girls and everyone else,
I’ve been looking for a new realm to call home and since I’ve leveled a Horde Priest to 60 on a regular PvP realm; I’ve gotten the urge for something different.
I’m definitly rolling Alliance since, again, I’m looking for a fresh experience, I was just wondering 1 to 2 things…
How is the Horde/Alliance population ratio here? I would not be surprised if Horde is a tad outnumbered and I am sorry I will be rolling Alliance then. But say a 65/35 split or something along those lines would turn me off a little bit.
Slightly easier to answer, and I am pretty sure I know the answer already but; From your experience, what classes are highly needed and perhaps very underrepresented? I can take a guess of course, and I will most likely be right but I would really love to hear from the community of this seemingly lovely server!
Thank you in advance for reading and see you soon!
Kind regards, Sarang