Resi gear ruins pvp! Make PvP gear like Vanilla just more stam!

I know there are going to be some PvP people who dont agree with this but… Resi gear makes the game less fun! In every way imaginable! and replaying WoW vanilla back into wrath, tbc ect REALLY made the realize I HATE resi rating it sucks so hard compared to the fun I had during vanilla wow!
WoW gearing for PvP was done best in Vanilla (not saying the PvP was best btw; cuz clearly it wasnt!) Yall never ever managed to match that for the simple reason of introducing this crap stat into the game.

This stat has only divided the player base!!! Made world PvP stupidly imbalanced; if you run into someone with blue pvp gear you can be a PvE god in full BiS he will poop all over ur face… Caused crap tons of issue for PvE balance… The stat is all around bad and even more important its all around BOOOOOOORING!!! The stat does what “main stat” does in d3; Aka “give more dmg and take less dmg” the most unoriginal stat one could possibly imagine imo.

If we making changes to the game this would be my number one change! REMOVE THIS DAMN STAT! and make PvP great again! Also do this for retail!

Listen if ur a pvp Andy; this will bring pvp back to life! even if you dont think its good to remove the stat! We need to be merging groups again in this game not split them up even further than has already happened!

no thanks, cant wait for MoP PvP gearing. Everything else will just end up forcing pvper to do pve for Arena which was the worst parts of the classic design


You are a perfect example of what I mean with; dividing the player base! You see yourself as a “PvP Andy” and THAT is the problem! You should WANT to do PvE cuz its fun instead you want to avoid it. That is NOT a good thing for the health of the game OR the amount of enjoyment you could get out of the game but dont cuz you consider yourself a pvp guy.

We really don’t need more PvP andys leeching PvE BiS items just to stop showing up for raids once they get them and only use them to play this weird little tacked-on mini-game where you fight other players.

Once again I dont even disagree; but then what needs to be addressed is the fact that the PvP guy doesnt want to stay raiding after he gets his item! That means the game screwed up by not providing him with enough entertainment during raids! It’s an issue the game can possibly address

PvP players are like classic players in this regard. They ignore the “main game”, that is slaying dragons in raid groups - or retail - just to play a weird side mini-game, like killing players - or classic. Imagine if you had to go to retail and run mythic plus there to receive your Thunderfury, Azzinoth or Shadowmourne. It would be game-breakingly bad design. The MORE they separate PvP and PvE gear, the better.

PvP gear right now is so easy accessable that its no wall of entry to PvP

Imagine if all PvE players have to grind PvP. Oh blizzard please once lock a pve item behind a pvp grind and i want to see the tears on the Forums just for once…

If you like pvp do pvp, if you like pve do pve but stop this paternalism by forcing players to play the game how you want instead of how the players want it that actually enjoy that part of the game, either if its pve or pvp.

I love it when people fight their inner ghosts and project that onto others; I never said the accessibility of the gear was the issue; that was all you mate!
Also the game being more inviting to play is not me telling you how to play the game? You really gotta stop making up strawman arguments my friend because everything you brought up were issue you created in the first place!

Blue rank 7 gear was prebis in P2 of Classic. Possibly even BiS for some before BWL release. This resulted in 120 man raids camping flypaths and quest hubs, killing the concept of PvP servers for the rest of classic.
Fire/frost spell damage offhand from exalted AV in Classic P2. I grided that in like 2 weeks with all the other PvEers, we just turned AV into pure PvE 6 min boss race.
High Warlord/Marshall gear for melees in P3 of classic. Turned into a well organized queue, playing PvE bg’s for 4 days straight followed by hours of making lvl1 alts and killing an auto-ressing horde on Elwynn graveyard 10 times to inflate the pool of GM/HW spots.
Arena spellpower weapon was BiS for casters in P2 of TBC, but I’d literally rather unsub than enter arena repeatedly, so I just bit the bullet and played the phase with 2nd BiS. If I could I’d just have wintraded for it, but I had no idea how to do that safely and reliably without risking a ban.
In SoD like half of BiS every phase was directly from PvP. Believe me, farming Pugs as full premade in WSG for 50 hours was not fun for them in graveyard or me blinking through tunnel to give flag to hunter at the door. If two premades met, the one that lost a couple people or got pushed out of mid first just gave up and it went as with pug from there.

The general trend is if they put PvE items behind PvP, we just break the game to avoid doing PvP anyway to get our PvE items. Wow is and always was PvE game at it’s core and Blizzard always knew it. That being said, I am all for PvPers not having to do PvE for their gear, as stated above.

I meant more like actually bis items like it was nessecary for warriors to get r14 and hunters to get the gloves. Prebis i actually would not count complety. It was more meant like if you want a shadowmourne like item you have to play 100 Arenamatches and reach like 2.2k else you wont get that pve item like of design.

having the entry level gear for a specific mode beeing more accessable makes it more inviting to play, so thats why i mentioned it.

It does in teh way you change the game to get this done. Cause in this way it leads to having PvE Gear beeing a must have for pvp cause there arent pvp specific stats on them.

PvP has a compeditive mode → to be compeditive you have to get the best specific item in the slots → so by this design you are basically forced to do pve then to be compeditive geared for pvp which ends up in the game actively force you to play the game how you want.

PvE should be an option not a requirement same as pvp should be.

You know what were the worst seasons of Cata back then? the 2nd and the 3rd, cause of Dragonwrath and then legendary daggerss + Dragonsoul trinkets.

Most PvP and Arenaplayers will play the first cata season cause its the one where you actually wear most pvp items in every slot.

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Just wait for mop where the legendary cloak quest chain, that literally every raider has to do, requires winning battlegrounds, and these forums will explode with everyone complaining about it. Pvers complain about being forced to do pvp, and pvpers complain about having their bgs flooded with people who don’t even want to be there.

You are wrong. I have neither the desire nor the time to join a raid with 10-25 people in order to drop an item that I will get there one day - maybe, or almost never.

On LK, I really didn’t like that my effectiveness depends on raids.

Raiding is frequent conflicts and usurpation.

In order to raid, you need to adapt to other players - to a large number of other players. For me it’s a luxury.

Yup. I dont agree with you at all. Why should you pve in order to enjoy pvp and vice versa?

Pvp & pve are 2 big portions of the game. I’d even argue that pvp is as big as pve, theres arguments for both of them. They Co-exist.

Why do they have to want to play PVE? It’s a edited by moderator videogame. Allow people to play whatever they want. Theres a guy that doesn’t do pve or pvp, he gathers flowers & mining from 1-max level every expansion.
What is he to you then ?

Worst troll of the century.

Awfull idea, can imagine in s8 mage/priest even if with buffed to 40kHP die in garrote from single Sdance rogue.
Cata prepatch did let us try how its working w/o resi, i did 12-13k backstabs on platers “didnt even need dance/ambush” to kill guy in kidney.
Also did 13-15k ice lances, and got like 20k+ shots from hunter. If id like terrible 1shots id play only vanila.

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PvP in Vanilla IS the best, they should just add shaman in alliance and paladin in horde and it would be perfect

*and a easier access to rank14 when naxx release (for the people who don’t buy gears in raid and just want to enjoy the game)

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