Resilient keystones 12 bug

So my friend and I got the last 12 key we needed to get this achievement and have our keys not depleting below 12 according to the new system

However when we finished the key I instantly used hearthstone out of a habit and didn’t notice there was a quest I was supposed to take

My friend took that quest and got his resilient keystones buff, but I didn’t unfortunately

I can’t seem to find this quest now anywhere and I seem to have no way to receive this buff even though I’m qualified for it

Game masters told me on two separate tickets that my account has the achievement and the key shouldn’t deplete and linked me a wowhead article, but obviously the key still depletes otherwise I wouldn’t be here :frowning:
Anyone with any insight of where I can complete this quest now? It’s pretty stupid of it’s just a one time thing and if you missed it you’re screwed, I mean who even pays attention to random quest at the end of the dungeon :expressionless: