Resolution nerfed on heritage armor and model

This happens shortly after equipping the heritage armor for the first time.

It looks awful. Split second superior version, then boom - low rez.

Also fix the night elf male underwear, it looks SOOO weird, especially when wearing the heritage armor without that super long belt clasp.


Are your textures set to high? You are comparing wowhead with in game image which has three levels of resolution.

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Yay, there it is. Thanks for posting that image. It’s really confusing that no one is seeing this. I’ve seen posts on twitter sharing their armour screenshots and they all look like this (flat 2D texture). I hope they will fix it, really.

Yes. I even put everything else to max as well, and it didn’t work. And like the OP says, if you actually equip/unequip the chest, you can see the right one (wowhead version) for just a split second. It’s weird.

If you go to the races page on the WoW website you will see they are advertising the flat 2D one as the heritage armour for some reason. Makes me think they just gave up on it and decided to put it as is.

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What appears to happen is that it’s the high rez version for a moment then lops down to this low rez


Have you reported it ingame as a bug?
I think that might be more useful than posting about it here - at least in terms of getting it fixed. It’s of course good to get more general awareness out there about it.

PS: Putting all that other stuff beneath it in the OP, works to its detriment if I’m honest.
It’s better to focus on this particular issue to get it fixed and not make it into a ‘wish’ thread.

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And while we are at it.

  1. Can we have those lovely star /arcane empowered versions of tattoos we see on Tyrande as both Night warrior and Avatar of Elune - i’m thinking an option that adds degrees of arcane power to whatever your tatoos is, 1 would just give it a glowing silver outline to your tattoo, 2 will give you a slight purple glow and faint stars, 3, will give you brighter stars throughout your tattoo area, and the highest will give you a glowing crescent moon on your forehead. - this would be perfect for both Moon priestesses, Highborne/moonguard mage characters and anyone who wants to roleplay as the black moon set regardless of class -so yes, druids, warriors, rogues etc.

  1. Can we have more young/wrinkle free Nelf male faces? Nightborne got some - NElf males are empowered either by nature or the arcane, they shoudln’t be looking so wrinkled. Should be either young or weathered - don’t the druids sleep for long and juieced up with the best health via nature? and the arcane using ones would have the life boosting and extending arcane energies … they should look younger than females. But at least have the option.

  2. Can we fix the Nelf male neck? why is he leaning forward, it looks derpy, this is corrected in the Zandlari male and Nightborne male, the classic male never had this.

  3. Please add star customisation effects, it’s sad to only see nature (leaves) and fel (DH ) customisations, but no arcane/star ones for the children of the stars.

  1. Void elf male torso, can we at least have this option for void elf chests back? May I remind that it was this that was marketed for the pre-purchase, but it was changed at rleeaes - I bought that expansion for that. and feel cheated, ywe shoudl at least have the option for that torso.

Here is a comparison from original to current in game.:

This is what was advertised on the pre-purchase

See the model changed… here are more examples of the original:

compared to what is now in game :

it’s different.


Fair point. Fixed. but kept it to issues with the heritage armor. one is clearly a bug, the other isn’t a bug, it’s just - we can’t have that on an ingame model, it looks ridiculous, like i’s some plastic toy model/body manequin - they need to fix that. Especially with a /silly or /flirt that says “I hope you’re not afraid of snakes”

Anyway, the male model underwear looks ridiculous.


Maybe there is a bug with it’s rendering distance or something?

Like it loads the far away version when up-close.

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I had a theory long ago that Void Elves were left unfinished so they could meet the deadline of being included in the preorder bonus for BFA.

The Horde equivalent, Nightborne, had a ton more work done on them than any of the Alliance races. Nightborne have unique facial structure, animations, and body meshes. The latter gives them different proportions to Night Elves. Not a huge difference, but you can tell they are slimmer if you put them side to side. More obvious with the males.

The Alliance on the other hand were just given 2 texture swapped races. But the way the abs curl down and the () shaped hole between the pecs on the preview model, suggests to me that this texture were meant for a slightly different UV map (defines how textures wrap around an object).

So my theory is that Void Elves were initially meant to be slightly bulkier then regular High/Blood elves. Just like how Nightborne are slightly slimmer than their counterpart in Night Elves.

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