Resolution question


I am confused about resolution and resolution scale (%). the issue i have for some reason when i put my game on 4k resolution my TV gets those wierd deep collors but when i go to 1440p (2k) i have the normal collors.

So what i did was got 2k resolution with 200% resolution scale. So what is my resolution? the game says: 2k + 200% = 5120x2880

  1. So i am playing wow at 5120x2880 resolution?
  2. Why do my collors go wierd/deep when i play at 3840 x 2160?

Ahoy Vraudulus.

To answer your question, the resolution scale is basically a zoom feature and makes everything bigger. You are still technically playing at the same resolution you set before but things are just made bigger in view.

As for why your colours go a bit weird, you mention that this happens on a TV set. TV’s tend to have a different setup to PC monitors so when you use one to display an image from a PC, it can often need a bit of configuring. Most TV’s have pre-set colour pallets or modes as they are often called. If you switch between these modes (often called things like Sport or Movie mode) it might help alter the colour pallet.

Hopefully that helps sort things out for you :slight_smile:

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  1. So when the game says: 2k + 200% = 5120x2880. I still play at 2k?
  2. The resolution scale option is just a ZOOM in? NOT a pixel booster?
  3. How come 1k, 2k collors are fine, but when i turn 4k its deep and wierd? How do i get 4k at normal collors?


Hey there Vraudulus ^^

Let’s get to your questions point by point:

So for this first question we have two things to consider:

  • The resolution set in the “Window Size” drop down menu
  • The resolution scale set

The first option determines the effective size of the rendering window, and can’t go higher than what your monitor or tv supports.

The second option determines instead the resolution used to render the game within the above mentioned rendering window.

For the sake of making a simple and generic example, let’s say that you have the Window Size set at 1920 x 1080, with a resolution scale of 100%.
In such a case the game window will have a size of 1920 x 1080, and the game itself will render at the same resolution. Raising the Render scale to let’s say 200% (3840 x 2160) would mean that the game window will still remain the same - so effectively 1080p - however the game itself will render frames at a higher resolution, which will be then resized to match the effective Window Size set for the game.

So if the Window Size in your case is set with a 2k resolution, you’ll still be effectively playing in 2k, albeit the frames will be rendered @ 5120 x 2880.

Neither and both.
Frames will be rendered with a higher resolution (Oversampling) so effectively with more pixels, and then resized to match the Window Size.
This offers usually a relatively small boost to visual quality, noticeable mostly on edges and textures, at the cost of some extra processing power.
This can not however increase the amount of pixels your monitor/tv can show based on the related native resolution.

That’s unfortunately not something we can answer :frowning:
As Jingoraitin mentioned that looks to be due to some sort of pre-set option in your TV settings. We have no way to know which option or setting you’ll need to change or tweak though, so I am afraid for this specific point we don’t really have any suggestion, sorry T_T

Ok. So help me understand this correct.

  1. Resolution scale DOES NOT increase pixels/ resolution?
  2. If i wanna play at clear 4k, I need to set my game to 3840 x 2160 pixels @ 100% resolution scale?
  3. I tried it out, 4k @ 150% resolution scale and the game runs fine
  4. My main objective is playing on 4K. What % do you advice for resolution scale?

What it dose is it up scales the image to a 4k image then resizes it to fit your resolution it dose improve the over all image quality but no it doesn’t effect how many pixels you have.
if you have 2560x1440p monitor set it to 150%

There are other options as well depending on which GPU you have and the game AMD has Radeon Image sharpening works on all rx500 Vega and rx5000 series cards with the latest driver you can find it in the settings under the display tab but that only works in all DX9, DX12 and Vulkan games doesn’t work in DX11 yet so will work in retail if you run DX12 but not in Classic.

And NVidia has I cant remember what there version is called you can find it in geforce experience not sure if all cards are supported might just be the 1600/2000 series not sure about 9000/10000 series and it doesn’t work in every game but it dose have DX11 support as well they both work the same way by sharpening up the image to make it look like they are running at a higher screen res and they have a much lower performance hit than using up scaling normally 1-2%.

Cant comment on the NVidia version it’s supposed to be pretty good though and it has extra options for adjusting the sharpness levels which is nice,I have used the AMD one works really well in the dx12 games I have tried it in so far.

Hello again Vraudulus :slight_smile:

I think Allnon may have covered already a big portion of your questions, but to recap:

This is correct

This is absolutely correct for the first part, in order to play in 4K the Window Size resolution needs to be set @2160p. The resolution scale doesn’t matter much as long as it is not below 100%

If the game runs fine for you with those settings and you are happy with the quality that’s honestly all that matters :wink:

Hard to give you a specific answer here, as it is mostly a matter of personal preference. You need to find a balance between visual quality and FPS, a balance that you like to play with :slight_smile:
For some players having a ton of FPS is more important than having extra quality, while others are fine running the game with lower FPS but with stunning visuals.

So it’s really a matter of personal preference Vraudulus, and considering your previous question I would say that you can take the 4K @150% as a starting point, and tweak things a bit from there until you find a good compromise between visual quality and FPS ^^