Resto and shadowlands.happy?

To the most experienced players are you happy with we got back and also how this might help boost pvp?

TBH, the resto changes for PvE look great, while small, still look absolutely good.
In PvP though… LOL, no pack spirit LMFAO

Nope, i’m going MW monk, had enough of Resto Shamans. Been fed up all BFA. Too late for alt gearing now for me so i cannot wait to ditch Shaman for a new healer.


pack spirit? can you help?

Chain lightning is a nature spell, which makes it absolutely worthless in pvp for a healer. Frost shock will most likely override flame shock so again worthless. The rest are things I never asked for. Im pretty sure earth shild overrider lightning shield so again meh.

The same person as that one guy who wants healing touch for druids back

… I want healing touch back, but its not me

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  1. I don’t think frost shock will remove flame shock, so frost shock is very much appreciated
  2. Earth shield doesn’t even override lightning shield on enh in bfa, why would it in SL? Also resto doesn’t have access to LS anyways

but yea nothing changes for resto in pvp unless they add some new pvp talents.
I doubt they will shift more power into riptide.

And anyways all shaman specs suffer from the same thing:
only 1 def cd that is terrible to begin with

I thought there will be a spell which consumes ES stacks to burstheal the target which would be very very good.

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I enjoy the current resto, its like a glass hps cannon. Defencives arent that bad. I cant say I want something new, maybe some passive healing to survive stuns made baseline. I already binded all the buttons, if tomorrow they give me searing I have nowhere to put it in a convenient reach.

without pack spirit resto shaman would be completely in the dumpster right now in pvp :\

Cmon earth totem + damage reduction, bubble essence, ascendance + ancestral gift, spirit link, maybe aoe stun. Its pretty much 30 seconds of immortality.
Then either you made 10 billion healing and won, or your dps are bad and you lost. Its kinda high risk high reward gameplay.
Though sucks against premades, but hey who doesnt.


Will need to see how it works, but if they do not make Flametongue and Lightning shield have a special interaction with resto (like Flametongue giving us more Lava burst damage or giving us more intellect, maybe Ingenious potential going baseline with it?), if not they sound pretty much useless.

Searing totem being back is alright, some passive DPS is not bad, we don’t know if Chain lightning will remain the dreadful ability that it is currently or will be going back to 5 targets.
Earth shield baseline is nice, but we will see how the talent will scale.

Altogether I feel it is a wait and see? We are losing a lot of ST healing with very little gains so my guess is that unless they actually give us some interesting abilities (or more importantly actual working utility) we will be back at struggling in M+ and alright in raids.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I think it is sad that after β€œtotems are returning” all we get is Searing totem.

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Ignore him, he thinks rshams do decent healing, thats an alarm bell right there.

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I think a big issue with resto shaman right now is that their kit is suited for only AOE healing and nothing else. They also lack mitigation abilities. This is even worse then discipline priests because they are also running into single target healing.

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