Resto cat form vs Feral

Hey. Im playing feral druid for the first time. Im only level 21. When in resto spec my shred in cat form does 560 damage but in feral spec my shred does only 99 damage and other abilities are lower too. Should I switch to resto or does it balance out at level 70 for feral ?


Your damage will increase the further into your talent tree, shred isn’t the greatest of feral dmg abilities. Not sure if I’m surprised or not to hear resto does more damage than feral though.


Hey Opaloka.

ty for your reply. I will keep levelling feral. Its just that in pvp when im doing 5 times less damage when in feral cat form its much better being resto spec. Would have thought it should be the other way round with feral being dps :slight_smile:


Feral has suffered for years with a very weak toolkit for PVP at lower levels, think it’s somewhere around level 40 (or used to be) where you will start to get better abilities that are more useful in PVP. I haven’t done low level PVP for a long, long time but if it’s still anything like it was then, then you’re probably better off levelling to 70 first. It’s still pretty rough for a feral at 70 but all in all it will be a lot better balanced than the lower levels.

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That’s good to know, I will just level to 70. Thanks again :slight_smile:


[Resto cat form vs Feral] This came straight to mind.

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Haha nice x

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It seems that Feral abilities are a bit overtuned in Resto spec. They do insane DPS in Amirdrassil atm.

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At 70 you can go on very strong bites, you can burst down a lot of classes very fast.

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