Resto druid / Hpala LF HC raid guild


I’ve been playing World of Warcraft on and off since prob Wod, i’m a returning player looking to get actively back into raiding.
I want to find a new guild that’s active and welcoming, with a common mindset of clearing the raids on HC and progressing even possibly into mythic.
My mains are resto druid, bdk, pala and warr but other classes can be discussed.
I would prefer to heal or tank but dps would be no issue either. Like i said everything is possible depening on needs and situations.
As one should, i prepare for raids with runes, pots, foods and research needed for fights.

What I’m Looking For in a Guild:

A place where people enjoy doing content together even outside of raiding, where you can do mythic+, transmog runs or other things together and become friends eventually.
A fun atmosphere: Progress should be a fun exerience, without rage and yelling, where you can learn and move forward together. no drama.
Semi active discord with voice channel or meme channels would be a big bonus!

What can i add to the guild:

Flex with roles: I play Tank, DPS, and Healer, so I can fill multiple roles depending on what’s needed, everything can be discussed always:)
Helping other people with trivial or big things is no issue for me, and i love to do content with guildies/friends and just have a good time.
Someone who is willing to learn and move forward, not as an individual but as a group too and who will invest time into reading mechanics and fights properly.
Jokes and banter mandatory, but only in between pulls ofc :slight_smile:

Prefered end time of raid would be around 22:30 or 22:45.
If you wanna have a chat, my discord: rigor8568 / Bnet rigor#2366

Hi GromZak

Were a Guild on Ravenscrest, We Raid 2 nights a week Wednesday and Sunday.
We clear Heroic each Tier. We don’t normally touch Mythic Raids.
Mature players in the guild/Raid Team.
Very Chill atmosphere.
M+ Nights Plenty of players on to join in things.
If you wish to ask me more just get in touch Shedwise#2192

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