Resto Druid ideas TWW

Just a few thoughts on improvements for resto going into TWW

Skullbash feels clunky to use, with the new fluid form mechanism we should be able to bash in human and automaticly be switched into cat form, Mighty bash and frenzied regeneration should also get this treatment making the spec more “Fluid”

Wildstalker looks and feels good to play but my main gripe is always the same you spend a lot of time in and out of forms swapping cat and incarn and human wasting gobals to heal and dps sometimes getting caught out,

Proposal -

While heart of the wild is active rejuvenation and clearcasting regrowth(would become instant while HotW is active) should be able to be cast from cat form, this would mean that you could weave your instant casts into a dps rotation and be more fluid with your gameplay, as soon as more healing is needed you would drop out of cat form anyway to SM/WG or incarn.

Innervate needs some love druids are crying out for some mana regen, the clearcasting portion of this spell is lacking and the 3min cd is harsh.

3min cd - 8secs of clear casting and x% of mana regen while active.
ideally 2min cd 8sec 40%mana regen while active

Give resto its Treant form back, toggle option like visage form for evoker for the people that don’t like it, casting a resto spells puts you into tree form.
Another possible visual interaction for Treant form is While Harmony of the grove is active the player would shift into a mini incarnation/Treant form.

Just want to add my two cents:
Adding Skull Bash to Fluid Form sounds like a good idea, untill you realise that you can also use it in bearform. Then either you need to add two separate interrupts, one for each form, or only add it to one form shafting the people that wished it was the other form… I don’t disagree that it’s clunky at the moment and some form of Fluid Form interaction would be a nice QoL upgrade, but it’s not as simple as just adding it to catform as had been proposed many times before.*
Frenzied Regen putting you in bearform would make total sense to me, only question is how do you solve the interaction with the new talent that lets cats use FR in catform?
I thought Mighty Bash was useable in all forms? Did this change? I usually play with Incap Roar so might have missed it.

If you just enjoy the visual of Treant Form, there is a glyph for it. Though if you’re shapeshifting a lot, it’ll be a loss of many GCDs, but if you wanna be Keeper of the Grove resto casting rather than catweaving, you can go get it and run around as a tree. (Apologies if I misunderstood your intention with being a treant.)

*I currently use a macro that lets me skull bash while in cat/bearform or if in an other form it swaps me to bearform and then Skull Bashes. So if you are in casterform you will still need to not be GCD locked so you can shift, but as soon as you start shifting you’ll interrupt aswell as that is off the GCD. It’s not a perfect solution but it saves a weee bit of time to not press two separate buttons.