Hello all,
Im a 246 resto druid with atm 10/10 hc SoD xp but want to push a bit more into Mythic. Ive done mythic raiding back in legion on my resto shaman.
I love to do m+ also and have a laugh ofcourse 
About myself im 29 dutchy working in IT and love to play American football when i can 
Questions or something add me Bnet Slimshady#2100 or Discord Bulykinz#7250
Hey! You sound like you might be a great fit for our guild Impaired, we are an Alliance guild on Ravencrest EU. We achieved 7/10 Mythic Castle Nathria after coming into 9.0 late. We are currently 4/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination working on Soulrender next. The goal this tier is Cutting Edge while keeping a fun atmosphere in our raids with no place for elitism. We are a more mature guild with the average player age around 27-28. We actively try to run Mythic+ with the majority of our current roster having achieved Shadowlands Keystone Master Season 1 and 2.
You can read more about our guild here; [a][ravencrest] <impaired> - new 2 day raiding guild - #11 by Nuaik-ravencrest. If any of this sounds interesting to you please get in touch with any member of the guild in game or message Brukerr on Discord Brukerr#1325 or Battle.net Brukerr#2705.