Resto druid main looking for raiding guild (pref Silvermoon)

I’m looking for a new guild because the raiding schedule in my current guild doesn’t suit me (Can not raid on Fridays). Ideally, the ideal guild would be doing non-harcore mythic content, but I’m down for a hc guild as well.

I’ve raided in several guilds since WoD. (if you want specifics just dm me on disco)
Druid, main healer but can also play the other specs
DK, main blood. Don’t really wanna play the other specs.
Mage, any spec.
Warlock, any spec. (this character is not ready yet)
I can also play any other healer but I really prefer druid.

As I said earlier, just dm me if you need any more info.
Discord: Mashinyan#9358
Bnet: Mashinyan#2130

Heya! This is my recruitment: [H-DRAENOR] DHX - HEROIC AND MYTHIC RAIDING

We are horde though. :upside_down_face:

We raid 2/3 days a week depending on need, starting in heroic and working our way through mythic. We are a social bunch of loot hos, who live on discord and love mythic plus. Best to read the post and if it interests you give me an add on battletag LAORII#2787, or one of the other officers listed in the post. Cheeeeeeers! :sunglasses:

Sent you a bnet req :slight_smile: