Resto druid need buff pls!

Resto druid need buff. Please it so hard to play today, this hots is so weaks.
I never feel resto druid so weak since Pandaria(i started than)!

They are fine

What exactly is wrong with Rdruid? Literally one of the best heals for M+ and smaller sized raids, like 2/2/6

Literally only 2 different druid players in the top 100 m+ timed runs. HoTs are trash and that is a huge problem. You just have to spam HoTs to buff up your regrowth. There is huge problem in the way druid has to be played.

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And who cares? Those guys are playing a different game. Are you playing to get into top 100? If so, you should have abused the Outlaw Rogue bug :wink:

Who told you that non-sense?
I healed SV 11 yesterday in a pug group and I am #37 from all logged healers for this key. My Reju is my #1 healing, by far.

That’s not what you are supposed to do, no.

Idk what you are talking about. I heal with hots. Regrowth is only spammed when you have huge or unplanned pulls where DPS is messing up their interrupts/ccs. Should be happy we can spam it and actually get the throuput that’s required. Outside of that you just keep your hots rolling.