Resto druid solo play questons

Returning player here.
Can you do solo content as resto nowadays? solo pvp?
Does cat form do any damage or like I heard of some wrath spam in resto…not really sure.
I come from classic where you can be a 1v1 god with resto drood.

I like the idea of feral but not seeing my character and ofc my xmog is a deal breaker for me :frowning:

Wildstalker Resto pumps out some great damage. Really fun and effective in Delves from my experience in Beta.

If you can swap specialization with a click of a button, why bother playing solo content as a spec that is designed to heal other players?
That’s a waste of time in my opinion. :v:
Look, guardian is super easy, super un-killable and they can dish out some decent damage for solo content.
But If you really want to see your Xmog then I’d suggest playing Balance with the Glyph of Stars.
Balance is super easy, just download Hekili, you can optimize that addon to always show single target rotation and multi-target rotation. =)

I always level/quest as resto, so yes it is definately possible and viable. As a rule of thumb, the raw abilities like shred or wrath does double damage of their respective specs’ versions. In other words, half the casts.

The thing is, today’s WoW is focused almost exclusively on endgame content, M+ dungeons and raiding. In those settings, feral and balance show their worth because you have time to ramp up, get your dots in, get in eclipse, work the generator/spender cycle and all that. In open world content, mobs drop so quickly that you don’t need to worry about energy regen or spell cd, and it’s hardly even worth it to use dots unless you want to engage several mobs at once. Wrath-starsurge-wrath or a quick moonfire to finish up, loot, everything ready to go again. Or, Shred-shred-maybe a third to finish, loot, energy full again to start over. Go try, and you’ll agree, I bet :wink:

Besides that you get to see your toon as it is, you can also switch fluidly between forms for variety, which works far better than in other specs, IMO. For example, spells in feral are basically just a tickle. Altogether, it feels very druid-like, and you have tons of self-healing as a bonus.

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