Resto druid state again

Hello, I was wondering if you ever gonna fix resto druid?
Its kinda cringe that thruout the years you just insert so many purges into the game that almost every class has a purge nowadays. Not to mention classes that have mass aoe purge every other second. How is it possible that 1 hunter can purge 3 lifeblooms in a global while it takes me 3 globals to apply them. Like how is that even a thing in 2025 arena. I think you just push things into the game without even thinking globally.

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Thats the problem. Purge is fine, if it wouldnt take 5-6 globals to apply the baseline hots that are needed to heal someone.

Its not fun design and plays like druids are 3 expansions behind other classes.

inb4 crying disc priest appear again and scream about cyclone and how broken druid was 15 years ago


its depressing they just could care less about pvp. state of arena is just cringe and no1 cares as long as people pay to play this fiesta.

Only 2 healers have purge

Just spam cyclone and you win. Nobody interrupts it. DPS don’t even stop cyclones when they stand right beside you when you get raked and they cast cyclone.

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3 healers have purge, i think you forgot pres evoker bro

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wdym 2 healers have purge ahah. im talking about almost every CLASS in the game having a purge atm. not only healers. and i am mentioning AOE MASS PURGE that 1 hit button can purge my 20 globals. i think you are a bit clueless ngl.

The situation will be better in 11.1. If it will be good enough, we have to wait and see

that’s a cope.

Also the problem with rdruid isn’t even purge, it’s that everything it has is completely garbage compared to the good healers. Output sucks even with all hots up. You have like no defensives or useful cooldowns for your teams. Your only hope is faking people and getting clones off but even then you lose unless you can get clones off on the healers too. Mana is also one of the worst


What he said, 100% is the problem, you literally have nothing, and now they remove tranq bubble, so you have nothing for your teammates nor yourself anymore, noice

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I didn’t even see it despite desperately stalking the wowhead ptr calculator hoping for last minute adjustments… Wow, 2 must have PvP talents Tranq + 3 stacks bloom erased … Even Bg’s will be unplayable can’t make this up.

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They have to be smoking crack dipped trees or some shiet, clueless deluxe 2.0


Easy solution to fix Rdruid purge problem…

Being purged is part of game, unless when people start to abuse it and spam that button 100x… Since time memorial purge on resto druid is very abusable, there is setups which can purge your healing into zero,

After 3 consecutive purges, within 20 seconds offer druid 33% chance to resist purge… problem solved, this will still allow purges to be used as strategic part of game, yet it woud prevent purge abusal and ape spam to win…


They get this to replace the tranq immunity, its new pvp talent baked into broccoli. Would need set bonuses show up to be so powerful that it trumps everything what other healers have, otherwise its disc,mw,hpala again.

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Anything that can be spammed has no place in pvp and this includes purges, spell steal, slows, ccs or whatever its cringe gameplay

Resto druid will be more than fine in a week, you’ll see.

this is a blitz talent or idk, how are u gonna remove tree to get a cast time thing that makes u immune to cc for 12s its so bad


I think druid lacks cooldowns in general, all other classes have better cds. The sets will have to be really overpowered and their healing has to be overtuned to compensate all the cds other healers bring. And then it just becomes this boring passive healing gameplay where one does nothing but spams heals.

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Why would that be? I’m not seeing any improvements in design at all. The only thing that seems to be going in the right direction is blitz healing due to the mastery rework and perhaps the new tree thingy, but for arenas it seems to be getting even worse design wise.

I’ll skip next season anyway since I have enough of the masterpiece that is called TWW pvp, but rdruid doesn’t seem to get any more appealing to me at all. Nor does pvp in general.

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I mean rdruid is getting some slight buffs and other healers are getting some nerfs?
At least hpally and disc is?

Maybe it’ll be more even