Problem is you have zero cooldowns now, tranq is gonna be dogshiet in pvp now, it’s just gonna get insta kicked, make it put a powerful hot on everyone instead of it being a channel spell now, rip
yeah tranq is a dead spell now
Tranq will be equivalent to divine hymn, remember that holy has had to channel that aswell all this time without immunity if they dont go to spirit to channe it. It will be ability which you channel from behind pillar or to try save people in smoke bomb or the like.
sad patch day for arena resto druids
Didn’t expect anything to come out of this. Blizzard is completely out of touch regarding balancing.
with the difference that holy priest can press divine hymn during angel form immunity and we dont have anything xd
Thats what I said or atleast meant with the spirit. It will only be ability to channel from behind pillar or try save people in smoke bomb or the like.
they do lol
to be fair they probably don’t on 1600
ah true, my bad
Yo,did anyone manage to make rdruid work rn after some testing around?
Nope, still B tier after “rework”
B tier would be an upgrade ngl
Hahahah, true, my bad bro
druid was fine, they just had to buff the 4% less dmg taken talent to like 8%, unnerf mastery and give adaptive swarm back, either with a normal talent or even a pvp talent, but u guys created the most unfun druid i ever played
Yeah, i was thinking this aswell not to long ago, idk why they have to complicate stuff, adaptive swarm is still in the game, so idk why they removed it for rdru, weird af
To me the biggest issue was actually recovering from cc and burst.
Rdruid didn’t have the raw hps until several casts has passed.
In short it lacked and still does lack a ‘get out of jail’ card the other fotm healers have.
Either you refresh the hots prematurely and go oom while the other dude is at 80% mana.
Or someone dies cause your hots fell off while you sat in cc and now you can’t recover them until you have casted a few spells.
i mean i can understand why they removed it in the first place “to remove button bloat and make it less complex”
but Rdrood got nothing as comparison, also Rdrood Hots for whatever reason have a really bad Scaling when it comes to Hp to Spellpower relation/same for Feral, i just give the Hp Squisch in Shadowlands the reason for it.
and yeah it is weird why they removed it from Rdrood but feral still have it.
Unless they put adaptive swarm back and make rdruid apply 2x rejuvenation with one button press from a talent example, like affli does with dots after it got pvp talent jinx, then I see even less reason why would play rdruid this expansion. The spec look like hot mess. Even halvening overgrowth cd from 1min to 30sec would help with the amount globals rdruid has and it would be the least effort solution.
Yea, i guess im just disappointed in this “rework”