[Resto] Questions regarding Cloudburst totem

Hello fellow healing shamans,

I need your help figuring some stuff.

Since the release of new raid Dazar’Alor, most of the top ranking shamans use the cloudburst totem, while it was only used occasionally on Uldir.

First of all, has it been updated in some way ?

How does it work exactly ? I have been reading some contradictory facts:

  • Are Healing tide totem heals taken into account ?
  • Are the healing from my trinket (Revitalizing Voodoo Totem) taken into account ?

How do you use it most of the time ? Just on cooldown everytime ? Do you release it before it ends ?

Since I try to max the Crit stat a lot along side with versatility, if I use cloudburst totem I will no longer have Flash flood which allow me to cast very quick healing waves and chain heal. Because I don’t have much haste right now, I am afraid my chain heal cast will be very slow while trying to fill up my cloudburst totem, if that makes sense. What do you think ?

Thank you guys :slight_smile:

From what I know Couldburst totem has not been changed in any way since the release of BFA, personally I use it because of the change to High Tides, the empowered chain heals fill up the totem suprisingly fast. I have also noticed that the tootltip on the totem never states how much it actually has gathered though… It is always at 0, kinda weird. And cloudburst totem doesnt require people to stack, which is a problem with most of resto shamans aoe heals, it has a wide enough area of effect to always hit the players who needs healing. And speaking of range, I am not sure what the area of effect actually is, it sometimes feel longer than 40 yards.

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As far as I know trinkets and Healing Tide do not count towards Cloudburst.

Flash flood is nice but you don’t want to cast too fast or you’ll burn your mana. You also get plenty of Tidal Waves from Chain Heal that give you quick Healing Waves for very mana efficient heals.

Also I want to mention that there are weakauras that track Cloudburst saved healing aswell as when Hightide is gonna proc. I found mine on wago io. Might help to maximize your healing from both.

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