[Resto] Shaman - Primal Tide Core Legendary Drop

I completed Torghast Soulforges 3+ but didn’t get the drop, what is the experience of other shamans and this drop? From what I have read it should be a 100% drop? I believe it’s a bug since it doesn’t make sense that I would have to wait for another 3/4 weeks for another chance of a drop?
Note: Loot was set to the resto, Soul Ash was not the issue, I checked my mail to Quest lines correct too.

Which doesn’t seem right? 3/4 weeks for a chance at getting a legendary?

I got it on my first run but in case that didn’t happen, it is possible to farm Torghast for the memory. The bosses just won’t drop any more Soul Ash.
The Soulforges should be up again on the week starting from Wednesday 16th, unless the rotation messes up somehow.

Ive gotten 3 legos.

None for my set spec of Restoration.

You have to first progress the quest with the runecarver in order to receive the legendary memories. This quest tells you to go to Oribos and back if I remember correctly.

I think it’s this quest chain:

After completing this, memories will start dropping.

You were only able to get this Legendary in the first week. In the second week they changed the wings and the loot table. Now you have to wait for the correct wing to open again, probably week 4 or 5. I had Primal Tide Core in my second or third run because it does not drop in layer 1 as far as i know. I cleared the whole thing, don’t know if that matters.

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