Restoring the Tyrs guard confirms Kul Tiran Paladins?

It’s time Blizzard.

During the quest Restoring the Tyrs guard, we meet Hadwin who is part of the order of ember. For those that don’t know, they are anti-witches during BFA, trying to fight the in Drustvar.

The Order of the Ember allows the Kul Tiran to connect with the light.

It’s time they got the light as a choice, its time they could join the ranks of the paladins.

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There is also Nelf palas from the class campaign in legion… hasnt happened yet.

Only 1 Nelf paladin exist.
The other one you speak about is a GHOST and a warrior when you do the story for some reason after Legion they have made him no longer ghostly so i can understand why people do not get that.
They are also in the same Familiy of Cursed Nelfs.

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