Resubbing Just For The Forum đŸ€”

not really. you just showed everyone what you really think and just saying “i dont judge” shows your weak excuse. just say its dumb and be honest.

They didn’t give an opinion on what others do. Ergo, there was no judgement.

get a dictionary and read all the cases judgement can be used for. thanks

Dunno, probably not.

I wouldn’t though, 13€ for access to this forum doesn’t seem great value.
Even though I don’t use it much, there is Discord for WoW specific chats and what not.

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no, its not dumb. the forums can be fun and if it makes Twiluna happy, let him. his money, his choice.


She only showed what SHE thinks.

She didn’t even mention what she thought of Twiluna’s reasons.

And before you go round smugly telling people to pick up a dictionary, I suggest you also pick one up.

And Schmusedecke again gave no judgement on what Twiluna does. All she did was say if it makes him happy

Do you often play martyr? It’s really hard to hammer in that last nail on the crucifix.


Hard not to condemn if you’re venthyr warrior :smiley:


oh boy. here come the 3k+ forum posts weirdos defending and give likes to each other. no point in talking to people whose whole lifetime is this forum.

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i mean, i need to have that many posts to keep up with all the karma farming :tm:

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Somebody rolled out the wrong side of bed. This is a strange hill to die on dude.


Give them a little prod, and its score one for the Souldefiler.

Oooooooh! I’m under 3000

So let me tell you: your attitude is a bit lousy atm. It is not a me thing, it be you.
Surely you can agree in a different manner? No?

And yeah, we can all be having a lousy day here or there but at the very least don’t double down on something minor like that.


Is this gonna end up as a popcorn topic? :popcorn:


gradually yes xD

But i’ve already indulged in that language topic :sweat_smile:


If we bought the last extension, we should be able to post on the forum, even if we cancel our sub and remove access at the new extension.

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How many of us spend money on things we barely use each month? Like a gym membership but you never go
 At least a sub to post on the forums isn’t too expensive (depending on your income, of course) and if you’re posting and reading then you’re getting something out of it!

It’s your money, do what you like with it! I for one am always glad to have the fun, silly and utterly bizarre threads you post Twilly!


no idea but all i know is that we are ready.


Don’t do me like that. :confused:

Though honest truth, pandemic made me stop going. But yeah that hit a month after I paid my yearly subscription. Pains me! :stuck_out_tongue:


Needs to be a space goat with popcorn, Schmusdecke :joy:

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