Resurrection Sickness is a dated concept and should be removed

Fell off Korthia because there’s a treasure chest on a branch and for some odd reason my character decided to jump really far doing a “Space -> W” jump, which isn’t supposed to very far. The result is that I fell off and couldn’t retrieve my corpse. Now I can sit and wait for 10 minutes while the rares spawn and I can’t get them.

This mechanism is a waste of time. I’ll happily pay for the durability, just get rid of the damn debuff.


If you jump off the side of Korthia by mistake, it will place your body somewhere you can get to.

Or do you mean you managed to place yourself somewhere you couldn’t get back to?

I fell down here somewhere:, there was no gravestone marker on my map, nor did I get the “accept” window being near where I jumped off.

Your body was probably on the other side.

I presume the reason we get ress sickness is because without a penalty it would be used as a fast travel method.

In the Maw they changed it by making you lose stygia so people still tend to go back to their corpse. I don’t actually like this mechanic and would rather corpse run to get back my body.

There definitely seems to be a lack of body to return to but normally there is one :frowning:

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Then I would’ve had a gravestone marker

Dude, look on the bright side. At least you got resurrected. Try jumping off a cliff in real life and see if you get a corpse run option :slight_smile:


12/10, most useful comment one could’ve come up with.


They should leave res sickness in but add flying while in ghost form so you can at least run fast to your body

Maybe lower the timer to like 5 min instead of 10


the problem here doesn’t seem to be rez sickness, but your corpse not being reachable.


Ive had this - if you throw yourself off on the left of the mainland, you spawn on the Island, if you throw yourself off anywhere else your only option is Res Sickness. I feel your pain.

Res sickness makes just as much sense as it did 15 years ago, and it’s there for good reasons. The issue is unreachable corpses, not res sickness.

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Ya it’s problem of he can’t reach his corpse.

Still I don’t like Korthia map accessibility design.
No flying
There is big barrier to reach end of zone(we need to use that flying thing) . They could have put that zone near our safe area so we don’t have to go forth and back if something spawn in that zone.

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Actually putting treasures on trees should not even be a thing, it is one of the worst gameplay mechanics in WOW.

Once again Blizzard is outdoing themselves by making even the most casual fun thing, such as treasure chests, a chore and tiem consuming by placing them on tree branches. This is not exciting or challenging game play, it is annoying gameplay at best.

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Technically you can kill yourself in the south west near that island and you rezz over on the other isle where your corpse can be accessed after walking a couple yards. Thats how people got over there on day 1.

I agree. This is not a jumping-puzzle friendly game where the world, and your character, is designed for climbing and jumping courses to get to a certian point. The mechanics is just not there for it.

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I dislike res sickness too.
Quite often there is a reason you died where you died and it is not a good place to res.
Or it’s in a mountainous place where it is very difficult to find a route to.

Saying that those ten minutes can be used to go grumble on the forums, so not entirely wasted time.

theres a simple solution to this.

flying in spirit form

if i end up dying in some difficult to reach place i just take the rez sickness and log out. Possibly not logging back in this day.

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Has to be said I’m finding the res timer even more annoying just now.
I’m doing a daily on Vault of secrets (foolishly) and that has involved quite a lot of falling / being knocked off the side.
Every death has a 30 second timer. why? I’m not dying deliberating. the repair bill will be horrendous so why the added frustration.