Ret is still broken

Needs more nerfs. :slight_smile:


Say lock :rofl::rofl: need nerf lock too man, just blizz love locks…….:slight_smile:


LOOOOOOL BUT >your class< LOOOOOL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


agreed, rets require further nerfs. NERFS not tuning.


How many rogue see in solo or 3s rn ? :smiley: yeah is too op :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

You literally didn’t understand what i meant. Typical melee player brain.

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I mean, your view of broken is seeing 2 rets in RSS. So only way for you to not say rets is broken, is to make them not exist :joy:

:cat: :popcorn: :owl:

owl too fluffy 10

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What a surprise?! Who would have thought?! I’ve seen some Ret players after 1st batch of nerfs that Ret is going to be unplayable now. And then people got mad when I said that average Ret player is biased (not all) and delusional.

That kinda is the same for most specs… Basically alot of specs would doom themselves if they get nerfed, just sadly too many FOTM/Rerollers went to ret and every nerf were almost a page so obv there will be more rets doing it after 10.0.7.
I just feel its funny ppl call out specs/classes broken but also heavly defend theirs to the death x)

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This, especially when they’ve also been trying to gaslight everyone about how bad their own spec is, while everything showcases opposite.


Don’t worry, the 4th wave of nerfs is already coming for Ret’s on the datamined 10.1 patch.

Soon you will be able to ignore/kite Rets in PvP like every other expansion.


the one that needs an urgent nerf is the warlock demon. It is not normal what it endures and the dps that the demon has, and you only have to see the solo shuffle the number of demons that are in high rating, how strange it is that you do not get a demon in each game

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Feel free to open your own thread asking for nerfs. :slight_smile:

I wonder when every lock is gonna figure out that grabbing a frost mage makes them unable to lose vs any paladin, and it’s a joke at this point how tanky demo lock is, it needs a nerf asap before anything else right now, every lobby on high mmr has 2-3 locks right now and rets disappeared completely on 3.4+ mmr lobby’s in solo shuffle, 9 out of 10 games in high rated 3s is a lock/mage/x composition and there’s STILL people complaining about ret :rofl:


Sorry, but I prefer to do it here. It doesn’t seem logical to me that someone who is playing lock demon is complaining about the ret, it doesn’t make any kind of sense.

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It doesn’t make any sense to try and highjack another persons thread just to post whataboutism. :slight_smile:

The light does not understand sense before summoners of demons that are harder than the Berlin wall. Gotta purge them all

But as well as the Berlin wall the summer eventually falls if smashed enough with a hammer.

I mean, your “broken rets” are based on if you can see 2 rets in a RSS lobby.