Hi there, I hope you are well.
I am a long time wow player (been playing / maining Ret Pally since 2007 and am currently looking for a new guild / home.
WoW is my favourite thing and i play the game constantly. Im looking for a chilled, nice, safe, active guild where i can get involved and contribute pref on Draenor but happy to create a new toon or transfer for the right guild Raiding HC / M. I have a number of CE in Legion. In game other then Raid, i do world content, achievement, pet, armour and mount collecting. Basically i spend all my time in WoW.
If this is your guild, i would love to hear from you 
Hello! =)
Whilst our guild limits our raiding to HC, and is on another realm - if you find you’re struggling to find somewhere, you’d be welcome to check us out! Ministry of Silly Wipes
We’re a social, casual raiding & M+ guild, who focuses on trying to provide a safe space for people to dip their toes into raiding and M+ without the toxicity of a more hardcore environment.
We also have a bunch of people who enjoy doing the more relaxed content; mount/pet/mog/achievement runs. As well as a Discord server where we play various other games together too!
Please have a look at the thread I linked, and if you’re questions or we sound like what you’re after, my contact details are at the bottom!
Hey Prystale,
Take a look at our guild profile on Draenor.
We are 9/9 Heroic and clearing again while we try to build a Mythic Team.
If you like what you see join our discord and we will take it from there.
[LFM] [EU] [H&A] [draenor] [M+] [Raid] Relaxed social Guild recruiting - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)