So after latest patch went and some other class buffs ret became bad in solo shuffle again.
Ret did less dmg then all classes, low defence possibilities + really bad mobility.
In some past seasons ret did much more kill potencial then rn.
Even if u use double cc on enemy heal + target u play ur HOL did like 1-5-2k crit max, plus every class can easy press def or similar abilities, fd, ams, amz, and ur 30sec one big damage just gone to nothing.
Second hammer u just got cc>kite and went to nothing again, so what we got - we got useless class with low deffence and mobility, even DF ret before first tuning was better then now…
I played like 200 games in 2.3-2.1 last week in solo shuffle and i saw 0 rets, tons of hunters, mages, warlocks, warriors, ele - they all just got more damage and survival posibilities, a lot of people just trolling like warriors (zug-zug ill zone my heal for SMASH and GIGASMASH) so even if u sanc>loh>sacr>freedom>bop/spellbop rn u cant do something good for win…
Ret templar verdict is a big joke, and herald spec - too…