Ret Paladin Feedback

Don’t gut Paladin by changing Art of War and Seal of Martyrdom.

This is Season of Discovery and was supposed to be a fresh and fun experience. You spent phase 2 and 3 building Paladin a certain way, that people had come to like and it offered something new for Paladin that was different to all other flavours of WoW.

Now in the P4 PTR, you have done a total 180 and sent a wrecking ball through the previous playstyle and have shoehorned Paladins into seal twisting.

Its actually so bad. We went from a playstyle that felt pretty engaging, to something that is just complete brain rot.

I dont have any fun doing this new rotation in the PTR. Why would you literally make a class less fun to play, and alienate a large chunk of people into a playstyle that they dont want.

If people are liking the new style then feel free to keep it, but please dont close down the playstyle that people are already comfortable with and like.

The way this could be accomplished is to change SoM back to how it is currently with normalisation. Then you can Change Art of War back to what it was, move it to the chest rune slot. This way people can play the old fast style or choose to twist.

Dont force my play style because I wont play it, its that simple.

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I dont see the new playstyle as a complete failure but its far from perfect and thats OK because its a PTR and thats why it exists, for player testing and reciving feedback.

Whats not right at all its the idea that both playstyles cant coexist because its just wrong
As i said in my own thread just move AoW to Chest slot and remove the nerf, also keep SoM normalization if ur using the AoW rune.

They listened to a loud minority that wanted Seal Twisting back, those guys are just a minority and dont represent the actual ret paladin playerbase.

Even the playstyle we got on the PTR isnt good for them because its not the pure Twisting meta they wanted, we got a WOTLK Ret paladin with Seal Twist, while most people wanted a more pure WOTLK Ret or the new “EXO Spam Fast Weapon playstyle”
What we got instead is a WOTLK Ret mixed with the TBC twisting meta so nobody is happy because:

  • The WOTLK enjoyers are forced to Twist
  • Twist Lovers dont have the pure Twist playstyle they wanted
  • The EXO Spam lovers lost the option to play like that

Its not too late to fix it but we have to provide all the positive feedback as possible

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Well said.