Ret Paladin - is judgement and consecration the only damage abilities?

Shamans were more on the offensive side of the spectrum anyway and thier Enhancement spec main source of damage is a better version of Seal of Command, plus their shocks.

I think that part of the Ret Paladin joke-state was due to them bringing too much comeptition against Warriors and at that time (IIRC) there were Devs who actively safeguarded Warrs from this.

Paladins are a support/hybrid class and I respect them for it because they do a great job.

In SM Cathedral the other night while farming some XP, we had a lvl 38 Paladin tank and heal our runs while wearing a robe. We were 4 DPS and it went smooth - especially with a mage to slow mobs if the Paladin gets too low.

The two were basically mirror images of each other in the beta right up until release though, which is why it makes very little sense that the Paladins lost two crucial damaging abilities and their Shaman counterparts retained theirs. Just imagine how dire Enhancement Shamans would be without their shock spells and Stormstrike? That’s essentially exactly what Vanilla Ret Paladins are.

They wouldn’t have needed to protect Warriors if they weren’t so hell bent on nerfing them into the ground thanks to Indalamar’s video. Apparently it’s fine for a geared level 60 Hunter/Warlock/Mage/Druid to carve through level 56 mobs quickly but it suddenly becomes gamebreaking if Warriors do it :thinking:

Clearly with some tweaks, I’d love to see Classic + restore Paladins and Warriors to what they were supposed to be originally.

Ret had crusader strike in vanilla beta but got removed on release version.

Actually Nessor I’ve edited my original comment but Holy Strike was actually (and this time I am certain) modified to become Templar’s Verdict when they reworked Paladins to use Holy Power.

I still think Execution Sentence would be a more interesting aesthetic choice if they ever did bring it back though because two ‘strikes’ is a little bit underwhelming, especially when one would have to be on a substantial cooldown.

The ret paladin is not a very ability intensive DPS, you are basically auto-attacking and waiting for procs. IMO this makes the paladin shine as a DPS/utility class in PvE. Not having to be 100% focused on your rotation and dozens of cooldowns gives you the necessary situational awareness to use your stun, BoP, BoF, heals, LoH and DI to keep your party alive. You are an anti-wipe machine that can dish out some damage as well, keep your head on a swivel.

I played retribution DPS through TBC and Karahzan. I never shined on the damage meters, but it makes me really proud when my old guildies brings up some of my clutch, wipe-saving plays in conversation even now, 12 years later. That’s what makes playing the paladin exciting to me.

while they have more skills to use, they are not much better because you are oom very fast if you actually use any sort of spells.
Shaman also resorts mostly to auto attacking and maybe cast a flameshock and searing totem.
Stormstrike eats like 50% of your mana so you cant really use it :smiley:

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