Ret paladin is useless in PVP

Okay. So one more season of ret being declined from every 3s lfg again? its “zero"dmg. Really feels useless if you look at it vs other melees. I really hope smth will change, real soon. To point some thing out:
We have no mobility, YES WE HAVE FREEDOM HORSE, but can be dispelled and long cd.
We have really low dmg burst, wings are even worse now that season 1.
We have not a lot of healing, " A lock heals more than me in shuffle…” (Hybridmys)
please dont ruin it, once again. Cheers.


We’ll come to unholy dk club

yeah i get you, thing is you have a secondary dps spec,Frost is good aint it? as ret you just have to take it. Or some play hpal, but i dont like it, so my main pvp spec is dead…


Is not true go check PvP and make a comparison ret vs frost. Ret is far superior than frost and UN. So plz make complain for another spec class. So if you feel dead imagin I’m more worst position for seasons. I wish you good luck in this season. And I hope with tier set you will be stronger.