Ret paladins are fine

should kill em w/o stun?

It’s actually 48635853% of healing reduction when it comes to arms warrior, and 1578438943% with sharpen blade, just so you know the exact numbers

Freedom, bop, heals- this are not bad support spells for teammates.

Ret doesnt need to be mega nerfed- the 3 judjgement thing will go away starting patch 9.0.5 thats the main problem and the reason rets 1 shot so often.

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Another braindead warrior complaining about rets. At the moment, arms is the most broken spec (with fire mages) from the entire game and you cry here about getting oneshot rng? Like srsly?

So its OK in your opinion? :man_facepalming:

It’s just poor design. I love when Blizz devs talk all the time about incredible talents they have there but someone who designed Convoke, Ringing Clarity, The Hunt, Soulshape, Pod was probably on drugs. Noone in his right mind would design such things.

While I understand frustration from people facing Ret but believe me guys better Ret players aren’t happy about it either because it’s stupid design and because of it other parts of Ret design that are actually fine might get nerfed. 9.0.5 change to Ringing Clarity is justified but I’ll be honest. I don’t like it as it’s still RNG. While I didn’t like WoD no RNG approach because most specs and comps were scripted and you could play almost every comp no voice it shouldn’t go towards other extreme. There must be perfect middle ground. Convoke being a spell that you have to constantly be prepared for to react asap because if Druid is lucky you still get 2x Starsurge crit in 0,5 sec and then 2nd player would erase you or you will get Divine Tolled dropping suddenly to 10% hp in 1 global.

No Ion - random one shots in PvP aren’t fun.

Says warrior lul

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Y E P 52lvl this is my main KEKW

Ret is mire broken then any other specc ingame besides mage for me ret is nr1 meele

U had ur braindead time be quiet anf ur specc still is tje easiest

Those type of winrates were very popular in those days, even during the days that orcs consistently resisted stuns and people had PvP talents that made you RNG resist half of other players’ carefully planned setups.

Currently, Divine Toll is hardly RNG, since you should just play as if it’s always going to trigger, which is too high damage, but then again so is what a plethora of other classes do. Won’t argue with Convoke being too much RNG - you can die despite interrupting it pretty much instantly.

Meanwhile, in 9.0.5 Final Verdict gets bonus 15% damage on top of current effects, and conduit for Templar’s Verdict gets “buffed” by fixing it to actually do intended damage.

Did anybody ever argue for more retri damage?..

Some of the worst defensives in the game. By that you mean literally THE BEST defensive in the game

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