Ret Paladins - nerf next thank you

Setting a record straight because you keep lacking knowledge in this discussion:

  • Divine Protection/Bubble/Avenging Wrath/BoP all effectively share a CD thanks to a 1min debuff.
  • BoF is a 20s CD.
  • LoH is 40min-1hour CD.
  • Divine Steed 45s CD.
  • HoJ 1min CD

Effectively 5 CDs a player has to play around against a paladin, all of which have long CDs.

Shamans get a spammable Earthshield, 1min Shamanistic Rage, 6s CD on an instant heal, root totem, damage shocks etc.

No shaman would ever want paladin CDs over their own.

nobody cares about parses in a PvP setting, top pvpers like pshero parse blue for example because it isnt worth the effort in 95% of cases.

look how ironic this statement is btw, literally applies to you here and now. People take me more serious than you, and that is a win.

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lmao that braindamaged troll really posted this trash :joy:
good ol huntards :joy:

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You dont know that you can use these cdÂŽs on other targets do you? Judging from your lack of knowledge on the paladin class.

If you think shamans woudnt trade their defensive CDÂŽs for Palas, then we arent playing the same game.

And there’s counterplay thanks to not just one class who can just delete it but 2 classes who can delete it. You claim to play PvP but don’t bother bringing your faction class shaman to purge it. Heck any decent priest and/or shaman negate this completely.

All this whining about how “OP” rets are from you yet there’s somuch counterplay to paladins unlike other cases. Cough Shaman Cough.

Play the game instead of yapping slander on the forums about a C tier class. You look silly as of now.

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Fact is still this, Ret pala has the highest burst - has the best defensive CDÂŽs has better mobility than even Hunters do. This is not retail, in Vanilla there was a drawback to hybrid classes - this is being slowly wiped out in SOD so its more inline with Retail - do you want to play Retail or Classic mate? I want to play classic SOD not retail SOD.

There has to be a drawback - not all classes should have everything - if we go down that route we might aswell just play Retail.

Okay name me 3 drawbacks for both shaman and druids. I’ll wait.

Paladin drawbacks

  • does not function at all without mana
  • is not a ranged DPS
  • certain CDs give Forebearance thus preventing bubble into divine protection or BoP or the other way around.
  • hard CD dependent
  • no scaling on self heals

I never said Shamans or Druids pay that tax either, they dont.

Stop dodging, name people here 3 drawbacks for both of em.

Re-read what I wrote. This hybrid tax is not isolted to palas, but this topic is about Palas - if you feel that the others dont cut it make a new post about those classes.

Bottom line is still - Ret palas should never be able to kill anything in a single stun. They should not have better mobility than a hunter, they should not have higher burst than a freaking Rogue (the class that was designed to have high spike damage from stealth) while wearing plate with the best defensive CD`s in the game. Period.

Claiming that palas dont function with out mana that goes for almost every single class - have you tried playing a mage dude.

Hard CD dependent - have you played a rogue?

No scaling on self heals - no shizzle shirlock, you have plate with the best defensive CDÂŽs in the game??

Is not ranged you say? Your playing melee with two stuns and a gap closer with freedom and bop - what else do you want - a ranged insta nuke?

Its like me saying Hunter drawback is that we have to use arrows to shot people and if we run ut of arrows - that be our drawback.

-edit for the Pala vs Sham debate IÂŽll give you credit, but that is a different topic - you guys already have multiple shaman nerf topics ongoing.

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You are playing the wrong version of the game if you want balanced pvp that takes any skill cata and retail is the other way

Yap I know brother.

Lol, not being able to anyone within a 1min stun would utterly feel bad for anyone playing this class.
There would be no chance for a paladin to ever kill a hybrid class or a ranged class ever again. Basically a melee NPC without any win conditions.

Yet as of now we have it, and melee need it. Paladin until P4 were the only class without any mobility, and it was not helping.
No clue why hunters get disengage at all because currently it isn’t worth playing hunter as a PvP class outside of trap spam.

Because they don’t. rogues were disenchanting plate users in P3, if not P2 thanks to Mutilate, Envenom, Cold Blood etc, aka consistency to kill people. STV gear helped them out on that end aswell.
Even shamans were better at killing people than paladins back then, and still applies now.

Gotta get something if other classes get instant damage/heal casts that potentially trigger a stun or a proc. That’s how you balance things aka make classes unique.
The best defensive doesn’t matter if it is made irrelevant in PvP by counterplay, Period.

Yes and mages have the chance to reset a fight with polymorphs, can paladins do that?
Are paladins finally evocating or using shamanistic rage? No.
Druids can still DPS by wrath spam, selfinnervate etc.
SP has dispersion (not like it matters).
Warlocks tap.
Hunters sit in Aspect of Viper.

Yes, certain class matchups simply require more CDs than others.

A shaman or boomie has literally the same armor level as a plate user + have better selfheals/scaling + use ranged spells to bypass armor values.
Not like plate matters anymore since most spells just do that much damage that it is irrelevant.

you say two stuns when it’s only one, the other is a ranged gauge per say. BoP is not a gapcloser, freedom ignores snare/slows and STILL not a gapcloser.

The horse is the only gapcloser.

Here’s a definition of gapcloser:
“Gap-closer refers to an ability to get to the point you are trying to reach faster, and closing the gap between the two points. The best known example of this is probably Blink, although other abilities such as Charge and Death Grip would apply as well. A speed buff would also be considered a gap closer because you are going from point a to b faster.”

Mages cant really reset the fight anymore in SOD, there are way too many gapcloses and interrupts atm - new trinket also helps against that - you still have skull ontop of that.

As a Mage your basically drinking every 30 seconds atm. They cant cleanse posion so viper against them is deadly, Palas can cleanse.

If freedom removes any potential snares from you - you would get to the point you are trying to reach faster, so it is indeed a gap closer. The ranged gauge is also a gap closer, since the target cannot move away from you or kite you - meaning you will reach your target faster by using it.

Lets agree to disagree mate.

Yeah mages are pretty chalked in PvP, I’m in rank 7 gear / stam gear and have about 3000 health in pvp, even with ice barrier / mana shield / fire or frost ward my health lasts 3-4s from bursts

Yeah kind of shame, Mage was always a top contester in Vanilla. Kind of sad state to see them in.

Can’t always be at the top, I’m having a blast regardless


You nailed it on the head, couldnt say it better

Maybe make it so paladins take no damage in bubble but can still be CC’ed.

Being hit by an immune paladin for 100% of your health till dead is bull.

Nerf it.

Paladins here saying they are weak is like hunters in p1 saying pet damage is fine, smh :rofl:

Meanwhile my shaman kills 3 paladins in a row with max hp and mana after. “Nerf alliance out of this game so they play horde or leave the game” You sure ur not better fit on a pve realm?