Ret paladins unite for one last time

<This is our final stand. What happens here will echo through the ages. Regardless of outcome, they will know that we fought with honor. That we fought for the freedom and safety of our people.> - Tirion Fordring ,Highlord of the Silver Hand

Paladins , i call upon thee to make this thread a big thread of constructive feedback and criticism,one that will be heard and respected,one final clash of light against darkness.

This is the time we MUST make our voices being heard.We face upon us a very known enemy,one that shows no mercy and has defeated us patch upon patch/expansion upon expansion.His name is the eternal bench.We have been imprisoned,tortured to a state of eternal waiting everytime we want to do a mythic+,our friends laugh at our pleas for a raidspot. This is were we fight!

Its time we demand good and quality of life changes for ret paladins.We need the Most iconic class in wow to be exactly that,represented and iconic.The class fantasy was always about the frontier warrior of light yielding a mighty sword ,commanding the forces of good in battle,jumping in and selflessly assisting the heroes overcoming darkness.

We need a party/raid wide utility unique and close to the paladin theme.We need our pony to go away and be replaced by a a good speed boost untied to judgement or anything.We desperately need a gap closer and if blizzard implements a falling sword ability ,it will send waves of happiness everywhere.We Do not need to be gigabroken in pvp by having overtuned damage and we need to be able to do damage in pve.but most important Utility.

The unanswered question we all ask is : Why bring a ret? To this day there is no answer.

Please blizzard ,do something to answer that question!


Fun fact. In Legion Alpha/Beta Paladins had an ability called Lothar’s Might. Which was kinda like Falling Sword from Diablo. You threw a sword at a target area, which dealt damage for a few second (like Consecration) and you could reactivate the ability to teleport to the sword.

Paladins were up in arms about this ability. There was thread about it on pretty much every forum. For this one to reddit. They hated it because “PALDINS DO NOT TELEPORT!!!111”.

So Blizzard renamed the ability to Turalyon’s Might and made it a charge instead. This however made the ability pretty useless since pressing the ability, aiming it, throwing the sword, and then charging to it, took almost as much time as just walking. Unless you used it from max range.

Eventually the ability was scraped altogther and was replaced with Divine Steed. And that’s how we all got stuck with the pony.

Fun fact over.


Wasent the thing ppl brought up that Lothar wasent a paladin so it was more about the name then anything. And about the ability itself stayed the same, dont think it was ever changed to a charge but it was like a warriors leap with an extra step.

Press button - select where to “leap” and then press to leap.

Dont think Blizz ever made it work in Alpha and just scrapped it.

No it was definitely changed in a charge. See here:

Edit: on a second thought, it might never have been a leap/teleport. It might have been intended to be a teleport and the charge was just a placeholder.

A quick suggestion to make rets viable in all content would be:

give us blessing of kings back,add a battlerez to rets,

make justicars vengeance aoe heal the group with a bit buffed heal modifier

I would love to see a buffed justicars vengeance where u press it at 5 cp to aoe heal the party.would give us some very good utility in m+ ( m+ for rets is like a no mans ret can pug that)

Also add luminescence the pvp talent into pve setting, Ultimate retribution (aka batlerez)to pve and suddenly u have a class that provides a very decent utility.Maybe judgement of the pure aswell.

Justicars vengeance - 5 cp for aoe heal(5 or 6 man cap) buff to 190% ap
Luminescence as a pve talent
Ret aura-have the ultimate retribution talent baked in -choose between wings or instant battlerez
Judgement of the pure pvp talent into pve

Personally i would like to see that.utility and choice between selfish/selfless play

Class fantasy-check
Utility -check
Ret paladins happy-check
Play with dead talents-check

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Steed would be fine if it broke or suppressed snares on cast. Casting a speed boost whilst snared = you’re still snared = useless ability. It could be decent but for reasons untold we’re stuck with a spell that requires freedom to be any good. Terrible design.

It’s a community wide disliked ability and still they push on with it.

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So exactly like Final Reckoning functions??

I have a macro that makes it just activate at my mouse… so 1 button press.
Dead brained players sabotaging ret.

Or was it that there needed to be a placement and then you could activate at any time? Because that’s pretty bomb to pre-place your teleport.

Ehm no, final reckoning functions the same like leap does in how to use it.

You had to press again after selecting where “final reckoning” in this case would fall, you could even wait several seconds after selecting were it would fall to make the action happen. It was a combinaton of warriors leap and monks teleport or atleast the intent was.

So it was the 2nd option then, then you could make it a 2 button press. If it was off the gcd, it would be 2tap instant with a macro on your mouseover.

We just need the falling sword ability the crusader has from d3.that would be solving the core issue ret had with mobility and give a fery nice thematic thing to ret paladins.It will be an insanely satisfying button to press and u just cant go wrong with that.inb4 someone says it will be broken,most melle classes have that already in one form or the other

Sigh…you know heroic leap, add a button press to that process to activate the teleport part.

Just checked and Heroic Leap isn’t on the gcd… that means i could make a macro to double tap it and it would be instant.

Or even better, i’d just put the activation of the ability twice there in the macro and it would be 1 button press, instant and off the gcd.

I’d kill for that… not irl ofc.

Basically this:

#showtooltip Paladin Leap
/cast [@cursor] Paladin Leap
/cast [@cursor] Paladin Leap

Instant 1 button press gap closer off the gcd.

1 Falling Sword to 45 sec CD and 2 Steeds to 30 secs CD baselines ty and we good.

Not on gcd, for paladins? Oh sweet summer child.
How long have we asked for bubble to be outside gcd?
Btw do ppl do that macro for leap?

Would need 2 keybinds for it at times you dont want it to be instant. Like when taking the flag and teleporting to balc/tun etc.

Im not saying i dont like the ability, just what the general QQ about it at that time was and basically throwing away the one chanse we had to get an actual gapcloser.

They never even made it work in the alpha and dont know if it was there for beta testing.

Dont stick on an ability that ddnt make it past alpha.we dont want that one.we want a new one that had nothing to do with the old alpha one.

Look at crusader in d3 .if you youtube falling sword crusader you gonna see how perfect would that be for ret.we wont be crying about mobility anymore or ever again

You do know the talent we are talking about was basically falling sword from D3? Just a diffrent name. And we got steed instead… from D3 aswell but without the bells and whistles of doing anything other then just sprint.

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