Ret Pally and Boomy Looking For a Mythic Guild

Hello everyone,

We’re two semi-casual players (the other player is “Zakkru”) looking for a raiding and M+ guild. We stopped at 4/12 last tier due to guild drama unfortunately but as we took a long break we want to do start mythic raiding again this expansion. We’re friendly and dedicated players. We might also think about changing servers depending on the recruitment offers so please do not hesitate to contact even when not from Draenor.

StopNTake#2416 is my BattleTag.

Kaan (StopNTake)#3250 for Discord.

Looking forward to hearing from recruiting guilds,

Thanks in advance.



Hey there!

Saw your profile and thought that you and your friend might be interested in our mythic guild on Outland!

We started a semi-hardcore guild in BFA with 3 raid days. We all have a common goal of clearing cutting edge content on each patch!

We are currently looking for members that wishes to pursue mythic content, which ofc requires a fair bit of commitment, but we also want to have really fun on the way!

Here is the link to original post and i added u on btag: Aydin#2988