Hey guys cuff here!
Currently playing on twisting nether EU but I’m looking for a guild to start raiding with, I don’t mind server changing if it all seems good and worth the time! I havent, actually raided this, xpac yet so it’s all new to me! But I’ve raided mythic previously! So I have experience!
If you’d like to have a chat about more thigns just add me #cuff2951 we can talk mroe I ndetsil then about alt characters I have that may be more help to the guild!
JOin us in PvE on draenor … we are looking more people to raid . We are atm cleared Normal and started heroic , our plan is after heroic start with mythic proggresion
Can you add my btag and message me pls mate
Hi Cuff
I’m one of the GM’s from an Alliance guild called Revolution, we are located on the Quel/Azjol EU servers.
We’re a social & friendly raiding guild and are currently underway with progression on Heroic Ny’alotha!
Here’s the link to our guild ad - [A] RANGED DPS for hc & mythic raiding
I’ve sent you a friend request on battlenet, add me back if you’re interested 
My battlenet - Mortemxdraco#2845