Ret Vs other classes

To start off… i’ve been a ret paladin since vanilla.
It is also my first charcater i made and the one i lvl up on true every expansion and raid on !
I have seen the verry worste days of paladins(huge part) and the glory days(the verry few)
but ATM Ret is a complete joke… im lvl 80 at around 570ish ilvl… when i play open world(YES I LOOKED EVERYONE UP ON ARMORY !!! they are not pvp geared and same or lower ilvl then me) i just get destroyed by other classes…
A warrior destroys me in 1 single stun with hits not going lower then 200K and tops off with spear around 900k…
A frost mage pops his instas of around 600 a 700k per insta hit
and the worst… i fought a lvl 74 diciplione priest ! he probly just laughed at me… lucky for me he was lvl 74 else he would have destroyed me to… there was no way i could get the guy down… as a lvl 80 dps class with ilvl 570ish i coudn’t nuke down a lvl 74… and if the fight dragged on he probly would have won…
same for a rogue that kills me in 1 stun lock
and a fight with a shaman that when i blinked i was dead…
atm my flash of light heals for 200 300k(that is the boosted one with 6sec CD) and my word of glory heals for around 500K… this is utterly rubbish !!!
i also have a enhancement shaman where his heals(wich he can spam more then me) heals for around 1mil…
then most people hit me for around 600 tot 1 mil and here i am with my paladin and attacks that do 20 30k and hits for around 120k to 300k

the unbalance is just stupid atm !

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it has something to do with scaling.
im in full honor gear at 80 and a 70 assa rogue in s4 pvp gear can kill me in like 4 seconds through wall.
ontop of that healers are pretty much unkillable open world.

If you had a full PvP set you’d dunk on them.

I’ve had no problems killing anything below 80 in a stun. Drop a hammer of light on their dome and they’ll collapse.

Playing vs max level players though is a bit different. We’re lacking.

Ret down to mortal level for ONE patch!??!?!?!

Clearly only started playing in DF if you believe ret is good in every patch :joy: also ironic that this is being posted from a warrior, the most busted class in every expansion

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Vs low levels is weird but ye scaling which have no place in RPG games (remove it blizzard, wtf you still don’t understand).
But at lvl80 with both equal gear its true that ret dmg is bad.
Even when you pop wings (crusade) and stack all the % haste and dmg from the talent to max your damage is still low.
Fury warrior that stack mastery when enraged is doing much more damage during his enraged time compared to ret with crusade talent that got all the stacks on.


LEAST delusional paladin player.
Playing obviously the most complex skillful class/spec amirite?

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Don’t think anyone would say paladin was the most complex class, that would indeed be delusional.

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There are no complex classes atm.
Even rogue class that was kinda complex in tbc wrath and cata is easy now ( global combo points which is same for feral).
Some classes take more practice than the others.

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Bro its world pvp, everyone dies very quickly once several people target you.

But no, Retpal is in a very good spot Just jump on bgs and you will see. Insane defensives and heals, range and good damage. So quite whinning.

Well, with the ret, I’m having a great time and I’m not having as many problems with most classes. Obviously there are some very difficult ones, but you can make them face them.

BRO every fight i stated was 1vs1…
i got my a** kicked by a lvl 74 Dicipline priest… come on this should say enough the dude was unkillable while still doing more damage then i could upheal…

here i am doing my hardest hits for 400 500k(the lvl 80 1vs1 fights) and then some other classes casualy spam higher numbers with now the biggest hit ive seen hit me was 1.2mil
the other classes there casual hits hit me for 200ish K while my casual hits are doing like 60 80K ! it’s just a bit undertuned !
don’t get me wrong here i am not asking for major buffs… but a little even the odds balance stuff would be welcome

my lvl 80 ret absolute DOMINATES in pvp
you must be doing it wrong, wrong talents wrong rotation

i got some cool macros you could try . here try this one

/castsequence reset=40, Execution Sentence, Wake of Ashes
/use 13


/cast Blessing of Freedom
/targetlasttarget [help]

just a couple of macros i use on my ret , smooths out the burst and roots etc

im getting 600k - 1m on my hits… so i guess you have wrong stats

though i prefer the new “dot” spec i see a lot of Ret Paladins running around with, getting 200k ticks with eternal flame

Execution sentence is good vs melees and still can be stopped.
Warrior DBtS, rogue vanish or evasion (weird but Dodge work even on final verdict which is a big Hammer coming from the Sky), survival hunter can turtle it, enha shaman is… Barelly seen of existance in Pvp.
VS casters is a waste of talent since you will get kited during those 8 seconds ( if not spec the extra 4).
If enemy is standing still with this on them sure you can do 600k+ dps but Its rare.

ye i was waiting on the guy that blames my specc or gear lol… always 1 in the pack…
ye no wrong build hence i google all possible speccs and i have a brain…
2nd wrong gear or stats… about the same stats everyone has pre S1…
so ye that’s not the issue… like 99% here are saying we lack damage if you compare us to other classes !
all my post contain that neither the enemy nor i am in pvp gear… ! they just hit alot harder then me !
lookup a few movies about mage or ele shaman that just wins 3vs1 fights lol !
and ye pve wise i hit for 2mil even… just not in pvp

Yeah its tough when you have to lose 1vs1 as a kekadin, right? Especially when your ganking lowbies! Its a tough life… :sunglasses:

From what i did few PVP sessions there is no such a thing as KITING a ret paladin right now
Our dmg toolkit is basically ranged
I feel like i’m playing a ranged spec

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