Panda mix, Cata , bad execution of events and much more negligence led to the death of Dragonflight. Agree or not S4 was populated only the first 1-2 weeks. Why is blizzard neglecting so much the past few years and are they planning to continue ruining the game in the future?!
I know many will disagree and many will agree with me but it is what it is. Blizzard flows with the data from their own POV without actually trying to improve anything. In the end of the day people are paying money to play the game , we do love the game but is it fair ?! The bad state of the game began with S3 . I saw many posts with suggestions towards Blizzard and they completely ignored every single one of them. If the plan is to sabotage every mode of the game that is being released is it worth it to keep playing it?
Let me know what you guys think but im really frustrated lately
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