Retail is so bad now

I played SOD and then retail and I stuck with retail. SOD is a meme, WOTLK / ERA is real Classic.

every variant of classic is a Meme.

GKDP Kinda Killed all intergrity any of these games had in one swoop.

I would like solo shuffle to be present in WoTLK-Cata, when i log in retail I play only that.

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If you don’t like GDKP, don’t play in them. It’s not about integrity, retail has had the same problem just with boosting. You can join a guild, sign up for raids, get invited every week and get loot for free and never interact with a GDKP or GDKP players.

Pretty sure staysafe was talking about it getting so bad guilds were struggling to recruit players because of how popular GKDP.

And yah boosting…

Its one things for ur non caring players to pay their way through content.

But when the actual competitive raiders start :joy::joy:

Doesnt change the fact classic is a meme because of it either really. Theyre all memes. Their shadows of what they were.

Guilds are struggling to recruit players because WOTLK took a huge nose dive in popularity partly due to ICC being too hard for classic players and people quitting, and partly because SOD put the nail in the coffin. Every guild is recruiting from the same pool of players, leaving most players the option to move up (in the guild hierarchy), so they have enough to stay afloat and everyone below them is fighting over scraps.

That’s not a GDKP issue, GDKP has been popular for the entirety of Classic. As for boosting in retail, I think that can be worse when the default advice from a lot of people about Fyrakk HC has been to buy a boost so you can get an achievement to get invited to pugs, the most stupid, ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

Boosting/GDKP are two sides of the same coin, and long before GDKP was an issue in Classic, boosting was an issue in retail. Hell I had a spell boosting Blackhand/Archimonde in WOD myself, the gold is enticing and the buyers are plentiful.

I feel like retail is very bloated with things i need to keep check on. PvP is something i enjoy, however when the classes starts having counters to the counters that counters their counters and everything needs to be 100% balanced, my efforts being neglected by 1 single spell etc, it’s not fun.

Classic have that nice rock, paper, scissors gameplay, and i find it more enjoyable to learn from each encounter i die in.

  • Hunter killed me because they are great at kiting? well played, what shall i do next time this happens? time to practice.
  • A mage does some excellent use of their spells, utilizing the deadzones and know how to fake cast? Nice, perhaps i should use my grounding totem like this next time, and wait with my earth shock?

Both games are very nice, diffrent but both makes fun imo.

This, in my opinion, is the no.1 issue of Retail and they seem to go ahead and dig that grave 5 meters deeper with next expansion.



Well hey now, I’m basically playing vanilla with chocolate sprinkles right now and I’m not complaining.

Boosting in retail uses legally bought money through the WoW token, also, is modernised, its expected, and the games built around its existance.

WoTLK, Classic and SoD simply are not. They’ve generated Swarms of Bots, boosting in retail will never damage retail alike it damages these other games im afraid, WoTLK got cheapened with the introduction of the Token.

and classic / SoD has more gold buyers then not among it.

ANd who said Retail isnt a Meme to begin with Lol, it just means the rest of the CLients joined the Shtshow realistically. the damage was already done in retail, its introduction didnt break much, because everything had been broken beforehand.

this wasnt the case for WoTLK / Classic. this was solely generated by this issue

Botting in retail has been just as bad. You’ve not been to a part of the map that is just perma farmed by armies boomkin bots? Easier to slip under the raider in retail, but I’ve seen masses of bots when I played in BFA and Shadowlands, like out of control numbers of bots farming high yeild areas.

The mining/herb bots in Revendreth doing the loop or the boomkin AOE bots in Bastion in Shadowlands just mob tagging and farming the dynamic spawns in groups. If you think Retail botting isn’t as bad as classic, you’re not paying attention.

you just dont get it.

Boosts are primarily bought by players who Dont raid, I.E want rewards such as mounts of achievements without joining a raid, with or without boosting these players would have NEVER been in my raid to start with

GKDP has become popular throughout raiding, so directly affects a Raider as the People doing GKDPs ARE the players they DO Raid with.

and sure yes Retail has Bots, but retails world also doesnt rly matter anymore.