Retail PvP requires an overhaul starting with the very basic things

I wish to put forward some suggestions and appeal that developers may kindly take forward.

  1. All PvP game modes need their own unique seasonal title and mount reskins as 3v3 Gladiator and 10v10 Hero of the Horde/Alliance. For example, Solo Shuffle is a Solo Q mode of 3v3 Arena and would be great to have its own mount skin. Similalry, 8v8 is a Solo Q RBG, and is played differently compared to 10v10, and hence must have its own rating titles and achievements, which should be different from the decade-old RBG titles. Of course both modes must have their respective Gladiator mount reskins. Same goes for 2v2 mode as well. Doing this change would certainly increase participation, as players will have their respective incentives
  2. The current PvP Saddle system is outdated and redundant. Even a casual PvPer has dozens of vicious saddles laying waste in their bags with nothing to purchase as we already have the PvP vicious mounts. Firstly, these saddles should also be warband bound, as the progress toward the seasonal bar is via any character, and secondly, but most importantly, players should be able to use these saddles as a currency to customize their PvP mounts, be they vicious or Glad mounts. This change would completely change the face of retail PvP as this will infuse incentives for everyone, starting from casuals to elites
  3. Rated Battleground 10v10 is the only game mode that exists in WoW and has not been replicated in any other game mode. It would be great if you could take care of this unique mode. Hero achievers get the seasonal titles like Verdant Hero of the Horde or Draconic Hero of the Horde, but they don’t get to use the title in game, and instead they get to use only Hero of the Horde. Hence, there is no difference between someone who achieved this feat during Cata S1 or the last season of Dragonflight. Please make this change so that all Hero achievers would be able to use their earned seasonal title in game retrospectively. It will be a huge incentive for RBG players and would instantly revitalize the game mode
  4. Participation in normal battlegrounds and rated battlegrounds should yield 500 to 1k gold for victory and 250 to 500 gold for loss. This would be a huge incentive for casuals and would encourage participation
  5. Dragonflight World PvP was insane. It was just fantastic and attracted a lot of participation and on-spot rivalry/duels. Please capitalize on the same. Unique titles and mounts (not a Bee mount) for this mode would be huge. More titles like Horde/Alliance Slayer titles and achievements, along-with WPvP special gear cosmetics, would massively incentivise players and encourage participation
  6. Retail PvP, we have three different currency systems for Warband. It would be great if we had everything as warband-bound, actually as Time-warped badges.
    x. The lowest currency, "Honor,” has taxes
    x. The middle currency “Bloody Tokens” is non-transferable
    x. The top currency “Conquest” is RNG box transferable
  7. We got a new map finally in S1 of TWW. It would be really great if we got more maps. We have enough Arena maps. Getting BG maps is really great and interests a lot. We are in need of regular maps as well as epic maps. It is over a decade since we got the last flag-carrying map in Twin Peaks. We are in dire need of another as well.

There are several other suggestions, but these would be the best recommendations. It is an earnest request that PvP developers kindly take this forward and help the retail PvP community. We might be quite a few less in number compared to casual PvE players, but still, these fewer players also amount to several thousand players worldwide. I hope the developers and higher authorities will someday listen to our appeals and will help us. If Blizzard is taking some efforts to save M+ by bringing a new mount at 2500 rating, I am sure they can do the same for PvP as well. Dragonflight WPvP was explosive, and it is very easy to incentivise WPvP with cosmetic rewards of armor, mounts, tabards, titles, etc.

I hope our voices reach out to the concerned and there are some positive decisions ahead.

Sincere Regards

  1. Remove Seething Shores.

Or bring back blacklist?


Honestly they should just make Vicious saddles redeemable for 10 honor levels


Getting an ugly toy as a reward for winning 25 blitz above 2.4 was a “bit” disappointing. I know blitz is inflated and current 2.4 in blitz is like 2k in rated BG, but a toy?!?! Really?

  1. Bring back Strand of the Ancients

You get the same for the shuffle version of that achievement/fos. A flagtoy and a seasonal title.
Get yourself a boomkin get the tindral fire skin and the red flag will suit you very well :smiley_cat:

This is the best suggestion I can feel. Very easily implementable if developers want it. It would be a big incentive for any PvPer as such.

Also, Vicious Mounts for WPvP which are separate can also be an option, but I feel that is far fetched…

They had those!?

Yes, it did exist, I think it was from MOP to BFA.

When they removed the feature, they also removed the BG “Strand of the Ancients” because it was massively blacklisted by players and they didn’t want players to be forced to play BGs they didn’t like.

Today, many people are asking for this BG to return, probably out of pure nostalgia.