You may wish to read that when you have time, especially the part on how one becomes green and why there are so few of us…
On the actual topic… No, greens do not have a “manual” for replies, we just strive harder than some to abide by the forum rules. In fact, since we are just regular players, we do not always agree even among ourselves. What I post is MY view on things.
5 million… Currently, sadly, unlikely. I probably should run my numbers again, but last time I did, the result was roughly along the following lines: US minimum a hair under 1 million, probable at 1,2+ million, EU minimum around 871 000, probable at close to 1,1 million, Russian region at around 52 000 to 77 000 (estimate), Korea and Taiwan maybe around 15 000 to 20 000 each and China very much unknown, estimates and guesses made by others range from as low as 50 000 to 2 million. I personally think current China probably falls in the 500 000 to 1 million range.
Those values for the BfA side. Since I have far less knowledge on Classic side the numbers on my earlier posts are more educated guesses than actual calculations. Both you and others are free to disagree with any of my figures anyway, I just try to offer what I can to the various conversations on the forum.
I will try to arrange time to run a new set of figures soon, so I can run better comparisons as far as US and EU data on WCR is concerned. It might provide some interesting insights into how the past few weeks have changed things…
@All: To everyone a nice Saturday morning, whether it be on BfA, Classic or reading the newspaper while enjoying a cup of hot coffee.
@Shopkeeper: Just saw your post before hitting “Reply”. Could you take a look here and see, if you can spot anything useful to your problem?
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I also have to note that registering HAS been suffering from various problems, but some people have managed to get through despite the need for Bringoutyourdead’s manual approval. To be honest, as I am not part of the approval process (from WCR point of view, I am just one of the lead submission makers), I am not sure why your applications are failing. Sorry! If absolutely all else fails, I can try to contact Bringoutyourdead and see, what he says. I am not putting his contact data in the open.
You could also post your BattleTag, so I can try to reach you for a more personal discussion as I currently do not have a suitable character available and my main account is full, so I can not create an extra one.