Retail WoW cannot launch from launcher after update. Invalid access to memory location

And when I try to launch it manually the wow.exe file icon is replaced with a generic windows one and clicking it pops the message “Invalid access to memory location”

Any ideas on how to fix it?

Classic wow runs fine

Edit: Win10 with 16gb of ram


I’m having exactly the same problem. It’s very frustrating.


Im having same problem. When i click play from launcher retail and cata classic says launching then goes back to play.I can get into classic sod when i click the desktop exe.

Its not a WoW issue, its a windows error.

-Update your windows for the latest version.
-Run checkdisk, disk cleanup, delete all file in windows\temp and all temp folders.

  • run a repair process (in a command prompt window):
  • sfc /scannow
  • dism/online/cleanup-image/scanhealth
  • dism/online/cleanup-image/checkhealth
  • dism/online/cleanup-image/restorehealth

Hopefully these will solve the problem. If not, then probably a system update install will need (hopefully this wont be necessary)

If you google it there r other method for fix this error, some works, some doesnt.

It is not windows since was updated but this is happend everytime wow have update. I have resolve this on retail with scan and repair but this time on cata dont work. Even if I run so far 3x repair and scan game files in classic folder r broken and asking me to update game over and over again.

Edit: Reset pc and run repair & scan files should work.

I still have this problem. Has a fix been found?
@Melyne’s solution did not work for me.

I’m still having this error. I’ve tried scan and repair, that worked the first time. Started to have the same problem again so tried scan and repair but it didn’t work. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the game and it still won’t launch. This has been three days now that I’ve been unable to play the game that I’m paying for.

Still having this error and I’m not even on windows, I’m on mac. Sometimes works to rename the cache, interface and WTF files as instructed in troubleshooting, but today it hasn’t worked at all! 2 hours wasted trying to get it running! All systems and drivers are upto date and no log in items or anything running in the background!

have this problem too. And aslong this keep going, i dont get WWi.

So has a solution been found? No way I can play with all these launch problems and it’s kinda sad

I had this problem a few time, not really too much, maybe 3 time in this year.
Today was the 3rd time and I restart bnet or windows and nothing happen.
Then I Scan and Repair and it redownloaded WoW exe but still not worked.
Then I Scan and Repair again, and it redownloaded WoW exe again and this time it worked.

same problem is happening with me. it worked yesterday but it’s back that it again.

I’m currently experiencing this issue again after the latest patch on the 6th of september 2024. Still no solution found?

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