Retcon suggestion for Shadowlands

I know the writers know more than me, but I still wanna bring forward a suggestion for shadowlands to make the story and fantasy more appealing, less restrictive and fit more to warcraft by removing the exclusiveness of the death realm world building in shadowlands.

Make these 4 afterworlds in shadowlands with Ardenweald, Revendreth, Bastion, and Maldraxxus not the only 4 afterworlds, but rather just 4 “random important ones” that were bound to the specific arbiter we dealt with. And yes, this would mean that there would be multiple arbiters potentially. Also, restrict the power of the arbiters a little bit, so they can’t just potentially save us from anything.

This opens up potential future afterworlds in the death realm of wow, and it heavily reduces the negative impact shadowlands had on the story in the eyes of many players I believe. Basically my suggestion would be to make the Shadowlands a small part of the death realm, and add more mystery to it. This could be done via books, or small hints in the game for example.

This way you could potentially bring back something similar to Valkyr for the Forsaken, because as a Forsaken it feels sad that they can’t raise anymore apparently in the way we’ve seen in the story of silverpine forest, where they raised these dalaran mages. As a side not: You could bring this back again by letting their apothecaries find rare a mixture to do so.

yeah no that’s not going to happen shadowlands was daunser’s legacy to wow and the first ones and all that are already part of dragonflight and will most likely be touched upon again in the next expansion you cannot escape steve’s legacy…

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