Well hey there lil gamberino. Or potential recruit, your preference I guess…
Retired’s recruitment doors are open for Dragonflight!
We are an established stable Heroic raiding guild who have been going since early TBC, and are now part of the Arathor/Hellfire/Kilrogg/Nagrand/Runetotem conglomeration. Otherwise known as AHKNR, or HARKN. KRHAN? Either way it sounds like Klingon.
Now we are in full swing for Dragonflight, we have the following openings available:
Current recruitment:
- Tanks - applications to consider a Main Tank welcome, specs other than Death Knight appreciated.
- Melee DPS – applications from Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Rogues and Warriors appreciated.
- Ranged DPS – all applications considered, can never have enough ranged mechanic fodder. High interest in Evoker, Warlock, and Shadow Priest.
- Healers – potential room for 1 healer dependant on dps contingent.
- We will also consider group applications if you are looking for a change with a friend or 4.
Some info about the guild:
- Retired is a social guild that raids 3 times a week, focused on clearing current content on Heroic difficulty.
- Our raid days are Thursday, Sunday and Monday.
- Raids are from 20:30GT to 23:15GT.
- We currently use Discord. Being able to speak isn’t a requirement (though we like to hear your dulcet tones) but we use voice-chat as the main method of communication during raids.
We expect the raiders to:
- We try to maintain a fairly consistent roster of raiders, so we prefer our members to try and maintain a 70% attendance to raids. This of course takes into consideration sudden holidays/arranged sick leave etc.
- Have the correct addons (Omen, DBM/BigWigs)
- Be prepared. i.e. know the basic strategies, bring flasks, food. pots etc…
- Ask if there is something you don’t understand.
- Don’t take advice or sweets from Damson.
If you have any questions or need some further info, please feel free to contact any of the Officers in-game (Phaeton or Aurica), add us on Battlenet at phaeton#2286 or Deegeejay#1390, or catch me on Twitter @battlerezauri