Retired - Nerub-Ar Palace 5/8 HC

Well hey there lil gamberino. Or potential recruit, your preference I guess…

Retired’s recruitment doors are open for Dragonflight!

We are an established stable Heroic raiding guild who have been going since early TBC, and are now part of the Arathor/Hellfire/Kilrogg/Nagrand/Runetotem conglomeration. Otherwise known as AHKNR, or HARKN. KRHAN? Either way it sounds like Klingon.

Now we are in full swing for Dragonflight, we have the following openings available:

Current recruitment:

  • Tanks - applications to consider a Main Tank welcome, specs other than Death Knight appreciated.
  • Melee DPS – applications from Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Rogues and Warriors appreciated.
  • Ranged DPS – all applications considered, can never have enough ranged mechanic fodder. High interest in Evoker, Warlock, and Shadow Priest.
  • Healers – potential room for 1 healer dependant on dps contingent.
  • We will also consider group applications if you are looking for a change with a friend or 4.

Some info about the guild:

  • Retired is a social guild that raids 3 times a week, focused on clearing current content on Heroic difficulty.
  • Our raid days are Thursday, Sunday and Monday.
  • Raids are from 20:30GT to 23:15GT.
  • We currently use Discord. Being able to speak isn’t a requirement (though we like to hear your dulcet tones) but we use voice-chat as the main method of communication during raids.

We expect the raiders to:

  • We try to maintain a fairly consistent roster of raiders, so we prefer our members to try and maintain a 70% attendance to raids. This of course takes into consideration sudden holidays/arranged sick leave etc.
  • Have the correct addons (Omen, DBM/BigWigs)
  • Be prepared. i.e. know the basic strategies, bring flasks, food. pots etc…
  • Ask if there is something you don’t understand.
  • Don’t take advice or sweets from Damson.

If you have any questions or need some further info, please feel free to contact any of the Officers in-game (Phaeton or Aurica), add us on Battlenet at phaeton#2286 or Deegeejay#1390, or catch me on Twitter @battlerezauri

OP updated with current progress. Moving on to the big ole pile of coins!

OP updated. Cashed in that Opulence cheque and moving on to the Conclave party.

OP updated with current progress and recruitment.

The Conclave party is over and it’s time to rumble with Rastakhan.

OP updated at 6/9 HC with Rastakhan now dead.

Mekkatorque is up next. Colourblind-ist gnome, bring it on!

OP updated with 8/9 HC, Mekkatorque and Stormwall Blockade are dust.

OP updated with current recruitment re. tanks. Also HC Jaina is dead! Well not really dead, she escaped. Good girl.

OP updated with current progress and recruitment. Hopefully a HC Uu’nat kill soon (fingers crossed please) and start prepping for Patch 8.2!

OP updated with current progress and recruitment. Uu’nat is no more on Heroic! Bolstering ranks in the lead up to 8.2, which is “soon” apparently.

OP updated with current progress. GGetting stuck into the Eternal Palace.

OP updated with current progress. Working on that Za’qul, Harbinger of Meni Realms.

OP updated with current progress and recruitment. Lets go Azshara ho!

OP updated. And we’ve done it, Azshara down on Heroic!

Come join us for whatever may wait on the horizon!

OP updated for current recruitment. 8.2.5 is here, and what exactly is Sylvanas up to? Join us next time in 8.3 to find out!

Scheduled raiding currently on a break until the anniversary event/8.3 launches however recruitment remains open in preparation of Ny’alotha!

8.3 is here! Recruitment is back open again, and we are getting ready to take on Ny’alotha the Waking City! Come along for the ride!

OP updated with current recruitment and progress. 3/12 down on Heroic after the first week!

OP updated with current progress, 5/12 now down on Heroic!

OP updated with current progress and recruitment, now at 8/12 on Heroic.
Time for date night with Vexiona!

OP updated. N’Zoth is down on Heroic, huzzah!