Retribution in CN and m+

Other classes being overtuned like DK bringing AMZ, doing high damage and extremely tanky or bugged such as WW monk bumping up their dps doesn’t mean ret is bad, just means they’re overtuned.

Also a lot of the times the representation and damage of a spec is based off their damage profile. Frost is bad ST but if raid was mostly based around funnel damage encounters then it would be the best spec for this raid. Arms for example is in a bad place atm, however due to how sire encounter is it’s actually a great spec for it due to the long execute and mobility required.

I think ret is fine.

I still think ret’s issue is its damages profile alongside his useless toolkit.

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You mean like an immunity, 3% DR and utility like sac, bop and freedom?

Yeah for raids there is more balance required in singletarget dps.


Provided by mage, hunter and DH

Irrelavant compared to raid wide CD. Knowing it does not stack, if your raid already has a holy, which is likely, then that extra DR is being useless.

If your tank is being competent, then he does not need a sacrifice

Not as relevant as a Rez battle or raid wide CD.

The thing is…Most of top dog specs are also great in AOE situations. What a hell XD

Apart from bubble that can be used once to cheese one ability and maybe HoF on Inerva, all the other utility is useless and/or brought by Holy too.

Ret suffers greatly when looses touch with the target. Poor mobility, lack of utility and mediocre sustained hits us hard.

Wait… am I blind? From your link it looks like Ret is above the middle on par with Outlaw, MM and Unholy. The only specs better than Ret right now are SP, Fire mage, Boomie, WW and Afflock… and everybody knows those specs are OP.

Ret is by far the best melee spec on Sludgefist and almost competing with the ranged specs. It’s also a top spec on both SLG and Sire Denathrius. Ret is bad on a fight like Huntsman but who cares about that. Only performance on end-bosses matters and Ret is doing awesome in that regard.

M+ feels so bad currently.
I have iLvL 210, 780 core and can’t get an invite to any key I que for (+10 or higher).

Even for my own key it is very hard to find people.

Re-Roll to prot, problem solved.

man … i’m depressed from this.
i lost my raid spot for a fkn buff, i can’t do m+ properly and i can’t even do pvp without plugging my hair out.

long story short from 2.4 pvp 3.5 rio CE raid into a fkn pepega.


For a buff, which buff?

Man I feel you… And on top of that, I don’t know… I just don’t enjoy it. The spec feels… lacking. With Sera+FR+ES+Divine Toll… It somewhat improves but… Still doesn’t feel right.

It doesn’t feel right that we have to use such weird and pretty risky (any mistake and LOTS of damage is lost) combo to do enough burst in our burst phase to not suck completely, meanwhile most of burst specs only push their “big dam button” and roll their face through the keyboard often pushing random buttons when they light and end up with better damage anyway.

I have WW monk alt, and for WW I just press Xuen + Storm, Earth, and Fire + Weapons of Order (if Kyrian) and that’s my “big dam” burst. After that I just need to press buttons starting from these with longest CD and end up with top DPS.

For Ret:

  1. Load 5 HP
  2. Use AW + Sera + trinket (probably the one from PVP that gives primary stat)
  3. Use HoW
  4. Use FR
  5. Use ES - make sure target has Judgement and if possible “small FR”
  6. Use DT and pray for max procs
  7. If you have enough HP → TV
  8. WoA
  9. TV
  10. If you still have time load as much HP and use TV after Judgement if possible

And you better not do any mistake because you can easily lose like 30% of this whole setup damage. You will also lose a lot if you had bad RNG. And even if you manage to do that, you will probably end up somewhere in the middle because you will be beaten by specs that pretty much just faceroll their DPS to the top.

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Take unholy Dk for example and Ask how hard was unholy Dk to stacks his dots and buffs to make his Big Dmg that’s how Retri Paladin works right now
either stick to Rng * as frost Dk * or learn the new talents and execute it well as Unholy Dk
yea it needs some macros stacks and practice a lot but in-time u’ll see how useful it is.

Ret has both RNG and “magical rotation” to achieve high damage. You need both to fit to be decent.

only the RNG doesn’t work well XD

There’s a few things that trouble me about playing ret:

  • The current meta encourages PvP farming for the trinkets to play the rotation that gets us to mid pack.
  • Subjective I know, but the ES/Sera/FR build is horrible design. You spend 4 or 5 GCDs basically tickling the boss to buff yourself before another 4 GCDs to try and get some dam out. Then the rotation grinds to a halt and you’re sitting on sera for 15 seconds waiting for the next window which, if you screw up, was a complete waste of time even participating in the pull.
  • If you don’t get a decent DT proc in your ES window then it was a waste of time turning up.

The RV/DP/SW build is infinitely more enjoyable to play, because you’re actually hitting things. What we need is CS to be linked to our mastery so the off-CD period doesn’t feel like a complete waste of time.

I actualy like kyrian ret with ES it is super fun to play but i lack the crit items due to bad rng from vault/raid to play expurgation conduit and icrease the level of my burst too.

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Yeah that ES built is an improvement. I don’t quite feel it right I think mostly because I don’t like Seraphim but what can you do about it? :person_shrugging:

I enjoyed Expurgation built a lot during BfA, both in EP and Ny’alotha. I actually went full crit on corruptions and 8% crit damage. Pulled some nice logs there despite the mainstream built being the mastery one.


I have at least x3 226 vault rewards for weeks now and I have yet to open a vault and say YAAYYYYY!!! :pleading_face:

Overall I like my Ret, I use players like

(cant post links to raider io?) twisting-nether Mezmerise

to convince myself that we are fine if we can do +21 Keys. Though it is true that dps wise, others have it easier. Personally I rolled Venthyr in week 1 and it is too much work to switch to Kyrian at this point. I am also not a fan of the DT FR ES Seraph Builds. Feels so bad outside of the CDs, I kinda like the Divine Purpose+SW Build more. Probably also because I am bad and the FR Builds can easily be screwed up if the order mentioned above is messed up. I learned that during Sludge Fist where a mistake lets me seem bad and perfect execution rocks the meter.

I would love if we get back Blessing of Kings / Wisdom / Might though, so that we have more utility value. Or change Ret Aura to give an actual unique dmg buff to the party / raid like Monks, Warriors or DHs. Back in the day we could give a crit aura at least…