Retribution Paladin Tuning in Patch 10.0.7

Damage nerf is small, nerfs to survivability are more significant.

I’m glad I hadn’t tried playing that talent as prot.

Listen, man, you talk about “normal”. Do you know the meaning of “normal”? Of course, you don’t. Normal means something to fit the “norms”.

If you take an M+ 25 doable with the world’s best top 10 bla bla bla full of paladin team, if you take it as a norm, then you are wrong. Do you know why? Because in the end, everyone will end up rolling a busted exploit ratribution cryladin and you will enjoy your one-class game.

Have a little bit of face and just don’t comment.


Rogues aren’t overperforming at all what you on about

This change is only for Ret, not Holy or Prot

I know the talent sits in the class tree, but they have different tuning depending on spec - calm yourself

Why do people keep giving Zmok runs as an example? He’s been running no healer 25+ keys for a couple months now (or more) and when he ran with stacked SP and Druids, no one batted an eye. Suddenly when a retri paladin can do the same, it’s a problem.

Damage-wise, retri is certainly overperforming - being able to beat 410+ ilvl specs at ~390 ilvl on overall for a dungeon shouldn’t be happening.

I just hope they don’t nuke them into the ground again and do sensible balancing.

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