Retrieving character list takes very long

this is exactly what I though. Give us transfer then. Today its unplayable again

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Same here for like 3 days already

I’m hit hard too, been farming something as simple as a binding in MC, but changing char takes forever, and so does looting /sigh

I have the same problem now. On patch day it was fine.

it not compelty broken and stuck on character list loading endlessly

Silvermoon here as well. Character list is not loading, can’t do anything. Amazing work on Blizz’ part.

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Same here in Silvermoon. Kinda frustrating

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This problem is getting worse every day;c i talking about Realm Silvermoon!

same issue, also some kalimdor races are unplayable as a result

i think fix (silvermoon)

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Confirmed, we have a progress! It seems problem is fixed, at least for now.

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Today lag returned to my game
 Not AS bad as last time, but still very uncomfortable. Again, looting and picking quests are so slow. :confused:

Takes about 40 sec for me to retrieve character list, also play on Silvermoon

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same problem here

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have also had terrible lag spikes and often have to manually close the game, have spent over 3 hours with my internet provider and its not on their end, nor is it my computer. Definitely only affecting WOW so somethings broken. since im paying to play - I would like to get what I paid for, this is day 3 now

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Time to offer free character transfers from Silvermoon or refund some gametime? Been completely unplayable since the patch and if this continues until and after M+ unlocks on wednesday I’m going to be really disappointed


Silvermoon Login super slow again.

Worldservers are working fine, but loading the Character List takes ages.

I wanna move from Silvermoon ;( yet another evening full of lags

Draenor here,

Looks like its taking about 3 to 4 mins to retreive the character list
i think tomorrow is going to be an absolute unmitgated s**tshow lol

Every people done from school/work and life thing. When free time at playing :frowning: