Return - good time?

Eh, you’re asking someone who’s very biased. PvP at the moment is far from good imo. :joy:

If you’re playing a lock, demon hunter, mage or rogue, you’re going to have a blast.

EXTREMELY gear dependant. Having good corruptions, high ilvl (465-475ish seems to be around average from what I’ve experienced), max necklace and cloak up to date is pretty much essential if you want to be somewhat competitive.

Someone else might be able to shine some positivity on PvP, but at the moment, it’s very unbalanced.

Maybe I’ll just stick to playing to 100 :slight_smile:

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Some of the answers you got here are very biased. Don’t take people telling you that some specs are unviable or that you need raid-gear for random battlegrounds too serious.

If you want to casually play with your son and do some battlegrounds here and there or some low M+ keys, everything is viable and you don’t need much gear for that. Same goes for normal raids if you want to explore that as well. Any class, any spec, minimum amount of max level gear - it’s fine. Really.

You also have the possibility to try out a class on level 110 by selecting the class trial option. Maybe try that, and pick something that is fun.

Because making your group is too hard? Or finding friends to play with? I don’t think you got declined because of your class. People timed +20s or higher last season on every class in the game.

Class balance is overall good. I say that as a DK - which was considered one of the worst tank options last season.

It’s always a good time to return Dredd. You and little Ralphy are needed in our time of wanton lawlessness. I as acting Chief Judge, Souldefiler, will grant you legal authority to sweep the game full of lawlessness.

I have noticed a shortage of people in Mythics Dungeons.

When playing as a tank, I’d usually find groups instantly or have them fill up immediately. Nowadays however it can take ages to even get the DPS, let alone the healer to do entrance level mythics on my alts.

I believe a lot of people have taken a break/gone into hibernation mode while waiting for Shadowlands.

Keep in mind that while Havoc has a relatively straightforward playstyle, Vengeance Demon Hunters are actually very difficult to play as a consequence of them being one of the weaker tank classes and requiring a unique playstyle compared to Warrior and Druid tanks.

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