Return Lordaeron to the Forsaken

99% sure they’ll dig the SC back out at some point with whatever is left of it has been doing in the underground

And I’m looking forward to it


I look forward to the day the undead are put to their final rest and cleansed from Azeroth. :relieved:


Cleanse the undead.


Don’t you have a voidlord to serve?

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The void lords are our enemies, my friend. :purple_heart:

Leaving aside the nature of the topic, Lordaeron is already back in Horde hands.

The Exploring Eastern Kingdoms book, which takes place after the fourth war and has Shaw and Flynn touring the Eastern Kingdoms to compile the book, has Anduin confirming in a letter he received permission from the Horde Council for Shaw and Flynn to visit the Ruins of Lordaeron. He would not need to ask if the Alliance hadn’t withdrawn, allowing the Horde to retake the land.

The city is just uninhabitable due to the plague.


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