Return of PvP power?

Separating stats/gear for PvE and PvP is the worst. We don’t and shall not need different stats/gear for PvE and PvP.

We don’t even need different currencies (e.g. honor/conquest points for pvp, justice/valor points for pve in the old days.)

We shall have the same currency and vendor for both pvp and pve.

The currency’s weekly gain will be capped at 1000/week and players can buy different item level gear from the vendor (higher item level gear cost much more than low item level gear, just like titan residuum vendor).

What we need is for players to get those currency at the same difficulty and efficiency from both pvp and pve. (e.g. players get 10 from a random dungeon or BG, and get 100 from a mythic+ or an arena match)

It makes players can earn the same currency in either pve, pvp or a mix of pvp/pve if they want to, in relatively SAME difficulty and efficiency.

We shall not have different sets for PvE/PvP. Carrying multiple sets like azerite armor / corruption is the worst gear design in wow history.



Pros of separating gear:

  • ease of balancing both PvE and PvP gear
  • giving reason to try other type of content
  • not being forced into other types of content if you don’t want to
  • being well geared in PvE won’t make you dominant in PvP and vice versa

Stuff like “gladiators dominating bgs” is hyperscaling problem, not PvP gear per se. Having to carry multiple gear sets - and what do you need those 120+ bag slots? If you have problems with that put some gear in bank.


Personally i’m a PvP player, but all my friends is PvE player so when i play with them i do sometime PvE.

If the PvP gear is terrible for PvE , i will need to farm all a secondary stuff just to play with them. And i will not be able to join them easely to their level.

That why i’m not kinda for PvP gear and PvE gear since it split the community and friends. That is my sight of view. let’s see how it will work

This is a really good sign IMO. PVP gearing will be separate from PVE. No more forcing players into the opposite gameplay.


Oh please don’t. We already have Versatility.

No thanks. I can bear grinding PVP content for PVE rewards in moderate doses (such as essences in 8.2/3) but please don’t make me useless without grinding a whole gear set for this (so in effect, grinding to make another grind more tolerable xD)

I went through this in MOP. Even though i had full raid gear from hc content (current mythic) i barely did any damage to players. Unkillable priests in arena etc. That really sucked.

If i have strong equipment i want to be strong. Regardless of which source this equipment comes from.

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They can make starting PvP gear easier to get.

People who argue that separating gear for PvP and PvE to some extend is bad have no idea how PvP works and has worked in the past just fine for both casuals and hardcore players alike.

Bring valid arguments and I will start taking you seriously but until now it seems you are just trolling.

It’s no wonder to get a bunch of 3Heads to reply to this topic since it was posted in GD forums I guess.


And what valid arguments do you have for separating PVP and PVE gear beside the typical “anyone who disagrees with me is clueless” and then claim others are trolling.

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I don’t pvp anymore but I hope you guys and gals get a better deal in Shadowlands!


Your abilities have a high chance to trigger Gladiator’s Dominance

Oh yay, more RNG.

People can once again do what they like to do to get 95% of their power for the endgame they choose ?

I remember what happened when the dragonslayers had to do a few BG’s in MoP for the legendary quest, they were malding like crazy.

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That’s a part I’m also not liking so much, even though it’s still a start.

I think they did, but then again nobody really believes in what they say anymore, especially after the V/Helf change of heart. Don’t get me wrong, I personally think it’s a good thing, because only idiots don’t change their mind.

This has nothing to do with PVP power or any other special mod to set PVP gear apart from regular gear. If you had access to mythic level items from a vendor for every slot then you can do what you want and get 95% of your power from the endgame you choose.

if you had mythic lvl items you could also grind farming PvP currencies like conquest or honor next expansion I wouldn’t complain but what’s the chances of that happening you think ?

If you look at any serious PvP players activities this expansion you’ll see it’s 90% grinding PvE and the likelihood of that happening again if there aren’t any PvP specific stats is rather high.

the PvP community is already small enough compared to MoP or even WoD and we probably won’t survive another BfA.

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RNG bonus…

This is not funny any more.

Hmmm maybe i dont have to tryhard against famed slayer of nzoth demon hunters who dr stun me everytime he is disarmed for no reason anymore :thinking:

Highly unlikely, however it was an example to point out the nature of the problem and the ability of getting or not getting 95% of your power from the endgame you choose is independent of any special PVP stats the gear has.

I like your name.

but dependent of the ability of Blizzard implementing a solution that would work for both sides and has worked the best in the past or just leaving it like it is and watching the few remaining PvP players grind PvE all day.