Return of PvP power?

That can be said about everything, even the best ideas can have a poor implementation. Also one thing of note, what worked best in the past FOR YOU, may not be universal.
Someone else was talking about PVP participation being low now, i really don’t see how adding an artificial barrier for entry would increase that participation.

oh boy now we are coming with these “TALK FOR YOURSELF” yadayada again, GD is actually a good place if you want to lose brain cells, I just always need to be reminded again.

PvP felt way more alive in any expansion prior to Legion, there were many guild’s entirely build around PvP only (I know, crazy thing right?), you really need to be delusional to an extreme extend if you want to deny that.

anyone who saw PvP stats as an artificial barrier of entry probably wasn’t a real PvP player anyways and would have stopped eventually, in MoP for example you could grind out gear that made you compatible with other people within a hours of playing and people who couldn’t figure out how to do that wouldn’t have had a good time in any sort of PvP anyways.


That certainly wouldn’t be enough, but it would still contribute to reviving PvP. That artifact barrier would give a reasonable and well deserved advantage to PvP’ers over PvE’ers since the former are much more versed into PvP - a way to both reward and encourage them to do more of what they like (namely PvP), which only makes sense.

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I for one would start pvp again if they bring back pvp stats,
in my opinion, the best pvp we had, had pvp stats, pvp power/resilience,
If not, I doubt I’ll do much pvp.


Separating stats/gear for PvE and PvP is the worst. We don’t and shall not need different stats/gear for PvE and PvP.

We don’t even need different currencies (e.g. honor/conquest points for pvp, justice/valor points for pve in the old days.)

We shall have the same currency and vendor for both pvp and pve.

The currency’s weekly gain will be capped at 1000/week and players can buy different item level gear from the vendor (higher item level gear cost much more than low item level gear, just like titan residuum vendor).

What we need is for players to get those currency at the same difficulty and efficiency from both pvp and pve. (e.g. players get 10 from a random dungeon or BG, and get 100 from a mythic+ or an arena match)

It makes players can earn the same currency in either pve, pvp or a mix of pvp/pve if they want to, in relatively SAME difficulty and efficiency.

We shall not have different sets for PvE/PvP. Carrying multiple sets like azerite armor / corruption is the worst gear design in wow history.

Yes we do want to seperate it if we want back good ol’ pvp.


it is a nice thought but nothing like this would ever work since there are armor/weapons that are unique to raids and mythic plus, if you would have every piece of gear available at a vendor and a currency you could universally obtain there won’t be a incentive to do raids anymore for example, people would just farm the content that is the most efficient.

Blizzard would never do something like this.

The world is not black and white, the game doesn’t just have “real PVP players” and “real PVE players”. It’s this twisted view that leads to the belief that there are actually two games in one WoW client that need to be kept separate and unless you fully commit to one side then you aren’t allowed to occasionally enjoy it.

If you want WoW to be an immersive experience then good design would dictate that any progress you make on your character will be retained regardless of what activity you engage in.

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No, vendor gear will not and shall never be the best gear in game, neither for pve nor pvp.

Just like how azerite gear from titan residuum vendor works right now, the best azerite gear you can by from vendor is 475, but mythic N’zoth drops 485.

Moreover, it takes weeks to save up currency to buy the 475 vendor gear, and you can get the 485 mythic raid gear right now if you are lucky.

The best pvp gear shall be the same as mythic raid gear. e.g. Gladiator gear shall also be 485 gear that you can’t buy from vendors, but only from winning top 1% arena matches.

Vendor gear shall not be the best. Players still need to do high end pvp/pve for best gear in game.

There are just different ways to get those gear, but the gear themselves shall not be different in item level or stats.

There is nothing as PvE gear is better than PvP gear or vice versa. They are the same item level gear.

and who said you can’t do that if there are PvP stats ?

take wrath as example, I remember having more PvE pieces as warrior than PvP pieces simply because I enjoyed the stat armor penetration so much, I was way more squishy in BG’s but I had also way more fun. These “glass cannon builds” existed pretty much up until WoD and even were played to reasonable high rating by some players.

well then we have the problem that getting 2.4+ rated in PvP is arguably harder than mythic raiding, especially when participation is way down like it is now, just compare the RBG ladder from this season to the first season of BfA. In season 1 the top 0.5% of players had 3k+ rating and now they are barely above 2.4k.
Now you have to be literally in the best RBG grp. across the whole EU region to get the elite pieces.

PvE however is stable in that regard.


You’ve actually yet to tell us why its good for the game. You started off by saying “anyone that disagrees with me iz dumb!” (always a winner in the debate stakes)

Then said this place has dumb comments, while unironically using phrases like “3head” and “malding like crazy”

Then you declared, “you enjoy it”. Yea, so?

Because as best I can tell from what you’ve posted, your actual problem is that pvp’rs have to do pve to get gear, and I agree thats a problem.
But pvp power seems like a bad solution to that. It means if a pvp’r wants to do an M+ or if a pve’r wants to do a BG then they have to gear twice.

You can’t complain that noone pvp’s and then give it a massive barrier to entry like in cata where you were fodder until you had a full resill set.


I said that unless you bring valid arguments on why it’s good for the game I would assume that you are a troll, please don’t interpret too much. I also engaged into a discussion with people who came up with some arguments so whats your problem here ?

only because you dislike internet culture like that it doesn’t have to be stupid right ? otherwise it would be pretty ignorant.

as I said the “massive” barrier of entry of cata didn’t seem to put off many people, considering Cata was one of the expansions where the PvP experience pretty much peaked for a lot of people.

I never said it needs to take long to get your PvP set while giving the example of MoP where it took someone who is aware of how the game works maybe 10-15 hours tops to get decent gear.

WoD was even faster with Ashran

for me it didn’t took long in Cata to get gear but not even a casual can complain about it taking too long in MoP or WoD, unless you were literally the most unaware casual with 2 hours of playtime every week, you should not have had a problem to get up to speed whatsoever.

I always find these kind of texts funny because they’re never true. The people complaining about PvP power and Legion templates are not the same groups of people.

Blizzard one day decides that there should be no distinction between PvP and PvE gear, and it should hold equal power including all gearing systems.
All the non-PvP dedicated players rejoice because they can enjoy casual PvP like world PvP and BGs without getting farmed. They say nothing on the forums.
All the dedicated PvP players make an outcry on the forums, because they’re forced to play content they dislike to be relevant in their favourite activity.

The next expansion, Blizzard decides PvP should have a gearing system of its own that allows you to get the best PvP stats from playing PvP. All the dedicated PvP players rejoice because they can play their favourite content and be BiS geared through their favourite activity. They say nothing on the forums.
On the flip side, all the non-PvP dedicated players make an outcry on the forums, stating how they can’t enjoy casual PvP like world PvP and BGs anymore without getting farmed, because they don’t have access to PvP stats.

Different groups wanting different things. Then you can ask which one is the most important? Finding a system that pleases both audiences is next to impossible.

How do you know? Did you ask them all?

Theres plenty of people that don’t think things through. Only when it changes do they see the downside and look at the way it was with yearning. Why would this be any different.

Let me phrase it another way. A good chunk of them were absolutely the same people.

How do you know? Did you ask them all?

So what now, Dejarous? Are we to be two posters with no evidence of anything locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day and trumpets sound?


"Or until you surrender " - Jack Sparrow

I got that reference :smile: !!!

Reference from fight of captain Barbossa and Jack Sparrow right :smiley: ?

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Rock paper scissors?

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Alright, what do you pick?

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You first, I insist :rofl:

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begin! :smiley: