Return of PvP power?

i usually tend to believe their decisions if they are bad for the game.
If they announce something good, I tend to doubt it till the end :joy:

and what is it supposed to do, unless they are also reducing item scaling by around 90% then it simply won’t do anything short of it being so overpowered that noone will want to pvp anyway because of it.

Good, it will be nice to get rid of PvE influence on Arena so that we can play without getting frustrated.

If I lose, I wanna lose because of my fault not because of a PvE trinket which has 1.20 min cd that hits for 150k or I don’t wanna see a healer getting rid of me because of an op PvE defensive trinket with ridicilously low cd.

Blizzard underestimated PvP playerbase, put effort into stupid things like Islands and Warfronts, PvP is a gold mine for them and they were ignorant to this, people can never consume PvP content completely because every match is a new story. Some matches take 15 minutes whilst others take 30 seconds. PvP Power is welcomed.

Ofcourse, goodbye.

You don’t even play PvP, only raid LFR and farm dailies all day. Exactly the reason why the game is going downhill.

I can’t write my opinions here because I would get banned, but I will say that I got very pissed off when I read your message and then checked your armory.

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Hit him with nakama power Animeweeb :smirk:

When they give us PvP vendor which sells better PvP items compared to PvE for Arena I will drop PvE bs right away completely. Probably the only thing that I care about Shadowlands right now.



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what pvp power does is increase your dmg and red your dmg taken.
Pretty much what versa is doing but it was only on pvp items.
Now with versa you have it on pve gear as well and you have more agency getting it than in pvp.

We need less ilvl gaps and more fixed gear.
Remembering times where each season had only like 2 ilvl gear sets? (honor + conquer and 10 + 25 raid)
We have and always will have broken pve trinkets ruin pvp. They do not want to change it. We had a brief time were we had pvp trinkets gave extra bonus but the pve trinkets are always so broken that not even that helped.

I think it was WoD that made pve gear at least mostly useless due to ilvl scaling.

Blizz could change all of that in an instant, but they do not want that the pve bois cannot trash pvp players with mythic gear.
So whatever will happen, high lvl pve gear will always find its way back in pvp because blizzard wants exactly that.

Anyone who thinks they don’t have the 2 brain cells to think about it before the patch cannot be helped anymore

What form of artificial barrier? Ur 475 raid gear will still be better than the unrated stuff u can get in the end. It will just stop PvE players killing people tripple DR kidneyshotting using their PvE rotation.

Believe me there is AN INSANE barrier of entry atm.
My 2s partner came back a while from his master thesis and has almost no corruptions is behind on cloak ilevel and sockets - THATS and barrier of entry - not getting a PvP set in a day of BGs or using ur high ilevel PvE stuff.


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