Return to Karazhan

" * Defeating Toe Knee too quickly will no longer prevent the encounter from continuing."

Whatever you did (if you really did anything) it’s of NO help. Several times today as a mage I tried to kill both bosses completely naked. Gradually lowering the hp of Toe Knee first and then Mrrgria. When they both started attacking me, I killed her first - she got stunned with 1% and then tried to kill Toe Knee. But he got stuck with 1% hp and was very much alive and kept chasing me around that theatrical stage.
FIX that BUG!


yep… bugged af
parked 21 chars at karazhan but seems like this week i have to pass :stuck_out_tongue:

It is ridicilious that even after more than 3+ years this bug still exists

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Was able to kill it heres how:

One shot Toe Knee before 50% then go murlock and kill it. Worked for me.

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